SHARE would like to welcome the inaugural members to the Common Loan Period Group:
Central Citizens’ Library District, Marrowbone Public Library District, Mississippi Valley Library District, O’Fallon Public Library, Paris Carnegie Library, Rend Lake College, Smithton Public Library, Tolono Public Library, Wayne City Kissner Public Library, and Williamsville Public Library.
Many times, library patrons borrow items from multiple libraries, and this can result in many different loan periods. With shared loan and renewal periods we hope to simplify things for the patrons and for the frontline staff as well. After much discussion the Group suggested the following:
- Books, Kits, Periodicals, and Audiobooks—3-week loan period, with 2 renewals
- DVDs, Music CDs, and Video Games—2-week loan period, with 2 renewals
Libraries have the option to participate fully, or a la carte. If your library would just like to have your books and audiobooks with the common loans, that is fine. You can find all the details at Common Loan Periods under the Circulation tab on the SHARE website.
If your library is interested in joining the Common Loan Period Group, please contact Dena Porter.