EBSCO Databases on Aspen

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The SHARE Aspen catalog now has an EBSCO databases page with geolocating links and descriptions of all the databases provided by the Illinois State Library. This page was created using the Web Resources feature of the Aspen Web Builder.

The links provided by EBSCO are geolocating links, so anyone accessing these links via a device with an Illinois IP address will not have to log in. Member libraries can link directly to the SHARE EBSCO Databases page on Aspen or copy and paste the database links onto their library website. However, the traffic directed from these links will be included in statistics for the Illinois State Library only, not individual libraries. If you contact EBSCO, you can receive links specific to your library. Alternatively, Aspen keeps usage statistics for web resources, but you must make your own Web Resources page on your library’s Aspen site. You can still copy the links and descriptions from the SHARE Aspen catalog to expedite the process. The Aspen Help Center has instructions for setting up your own Web Resources page.