The annual Illinois Library System Membership Certification, which occurs each winter/spring, includes the ILLINET Interlibrary Loan Statistical Survey and the Annual Certification Form.
Below you'll find a video demonstration and a text explanation on which reports and numbers you'll need for the ILLINET Interlibrary Loan Statistical Survey. Learn more about why the ILLINET Interlibrary Loan Statistical Survey is required on the Illinois Secretary of State website.
Did your library REQUEST materials through interlibrary loan? Answer YES if you have placed holds and received items through SHARE, OCLC, or other interlibrary loan sources. |
What was the total number of items requested by your library? |
Circulation by Items Loaning Branch – Utilities / Reports and Notices / Circulation Instructions: Enter the dates (July 1 – June 30) and select your library. Information: This report takes the total checkouts at your library and lists them by the material’s owning library and material type code
(A) Grand Circulations Total - (B) Your Library’s Circulations Total - (C) SHARE Digital Library Circulations Total = Items Borrowed From Other Libraries +Add to this number, any items borrowed from OCLC or other interlibrary loan sources. |
Did your library SUPPLY materials through interlibrary loan? Answer YES if you received requests and sent materials through SHARE (Request Manager) or through OCLC. |
What was the total number of interlibrary loan requests RECEIVED by your library? |
Circulation by Items Assigned Branch – Utilities / Reports and Notices / Circulation Instructions: Enter the dates (July 1 – June 30) and select your library. Information: This report lists the number of items owned by the reporting branch that have been checked out and renewed at other branches, as well as the reporting branch. To calculate the “loaned to”:
(A) Grand Circulations Total - (B) Your Library's Circulations Total = Items Supplied To Other Libraries +Add to this number, the number of items checked out to OCLC or other libraries (outside of SHARE) if you do not check them out through Polaris. |
Did your library PARTICIPATE in reciprocal borrowing? Reciprocal borrowing is the right of a person who holds a valid, in good-standing library registration card from a full member public library to borrow materials on site from other library system full member public libraries. Most PUBLIC libraries participate in reciprocal borrowing. SCHOOL, ACADEMIC and SPECIAL libraries typically DO NOT participate in reciprocal borrowing unless they have a cooperative agreement with another library. |
Report the number of materials LOANED via reciprocal borrowing. |
Patron Cross Borrowing – Utilities / Reports and Notices / Circulation Instructions: Enter the dates (July 1 – June 30) and select your library. Information: This report lists all the patrons who checked out at your library including patrons from other libraries.
(A) Grand Total * Your library's reciprocal patron codes are for patrons from other standalone Illinois libraries. |