Member Comment for Aspen Format Order

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The SHARE Circulation & Resource Sharing Committee has recommended a change in how formats are ordered in Aspen search results. Members are encouraged to comment on the new order. Currently, Aspen organizes item formats in search results by “Book” first, then alphabetically, as in the example below.

 Book, Audiobook CD, Downloadable Audiobook, E-book, and Large Print.

Aspen now has the option to manually reorder formats. The Committee has suggested the following order:

  1. Book
  2. Large Print
  3. Audiobook CD
  4. E-Book
  5. Downloadable Audiobook

This change prioritizes print and physical items first. This decision would be consortium-wide, so your feedback is valuable! Please comment below by Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025, for consideration by the Circulation & Resource Sharing Committee.

Thank you for your input!


I am in favor of the change. 

I'm wholeheartedly in agreement for the proposed change.  I think it can be confusing for patrons with mixing up the e-content in the midst of physical items like the current order is.

I am in favor of the change.

In Favor. Common sense change.  

This will be great - thanks!

I think this will help make Aspen more user-friendly to our patrons.  Thanks!

I think this will be very helpful to patrons.

Yes, please!  

Just the other day I was searching for a title and all I wanted was the book - I had to wade through 2 or 3 pages before I found a regular book format for the title, which I think most people expect to find first on a search.

Thank you for proposing this.

I think this is an excellent idea!  Much easier to figure out for everyone.

This seems like a great change that would help both patrons and staff. Thanks!

This change would be beneficial to both libraries and patrons. Thank you for continuing to improve our catalog options.

  I would suggest E-book before Audiobook. Most patrons do not have cars that still support CD players. Many library's are getting rid of Audiobooks or severly cutting back on what they carry. Seems that patron interest is more in the Ebook lane and they would prefer seeing that option before Audiobook. Other than that, I like the change. 

I am in favor of the change.

I am in favor of the new search result order.

I agree with the change. It is logical to group print items together.

The change make logical sense. I am in favor of making this change.