Please create a helpdesk ticket to have collections added or removed from your selections.
Collection Description | Collection Abbreviation |
16mm Film | 16mm |
3D Blu-ray | 3d-bluray |
3M Audio E-Book | 3maudebook |
3M E-Book | 3mebook |
4K HD | 4k-hd |
4K Ultra HD/Blu-ray combo | 4K UHD/Blu-ray |
ABE Audiobook #17 | abe17 |
ABE Audiobook #18 | abe18 |
ABE Audiobook #22 | abe22 |
ABE Audiobook #23 | abe23 |
ABE Audiobook #24 | abe24 |
ABE Audiobook #25 | abe25 |
ABE Audiobook #26 | abe26 |
ABE Audiobook #27 | abe27 |
ABE Audiobook #48 | abe48 |
ABE Audiobook #49 | abe49 |
Accelerated Reader | ar |
Accelerated Reader 0 | ar0 |
Accelerated Reader 0 Non-Fiction | ar0nf |
Accelerated Reader 1 | ar1 |
Accelerated Reader 1 Non-Fiction | ar1nf |
Accelerated Reader 10 | ar10 |
Accelerated Reader 11 | ar11 |
Accelerated Reader 12 | ar12 |
Accelerated Reader 12 Non-Fiction | ar12nf |
Accelerated Reader 2 | ar2 |
Accelerated Reader 2 Non-Fiction | ar2nf |
Accelerated Reader 3 | ar3 |
Accelerated Reader 3 Non-Fiction | ar3nf |
Accelerated Reader 4 | ar4 |
Accelerated Reader 4 Non-Fiction | ar4nf |
Accelerated Reader 5 | ar5 |
Accelerated Reader 5 Non-Fiction | ar5nf |
Accelerated Reader 6 | ar6 |
Accelerated Reader 6 Non-Fiction | ar6nf |
Accelerated Reader 7 | ar7 |
Accelerated Reader 7 Non-Fiction | ar7nf |
Accelerated Reader 7.0-12.0 | ar7-12 |
Accelerated Reader 8 | ar8 |
Accelerated Reader 8 Non-Fiction | ar8nf |
Accelerated Reader 9 | ar9 |
Accelerated Reader 9 Non-Fiction | ar9nf |
Accelerated Reader Biography | arbio |
Accelerated Reader Book | arbook |
Accelerated Reader Easy | areasy |
Accelerated Reader Fiction | arfic |
Accelerated Reader Graphic Novel | argraphic |
Accelerated Reader Non-Fiction | arnf |
Accelerated Reader Picture | arpic |
Action and Adventure | actadv |
Administration | admin |
Adolescent Literature | ad-lit |
Adult | adult |
Adult Audio | a-aud |
Adult Audiobook, CD | a-audbk cd |
Adult Audiobook, MP3 | a-audbk mp3 |
Adult Blu-ray | a-bluray |
Adult Braille, Fiction | a-brailf |
Adult CD, Music | a-cd music |
Adult DVD | a-dvd |
Adult Fiction | a-fic |
Adult Graphic Novel | a-gn |
Adult Graphic Novel, Fiction | a-gn-f |
Adult Graphic Novel, Non-Fiction | a-gn-nf |
Adult Kit | akit |
Adult Manga | a-manga |
Adult Non-Fiction | a-nf |
Adult Periodical | a-per |
Adult Playaway | a-playaway |
Adult Reference | a-ref |
Adult Spoken Word | a-spword |
Adult Video Game | a-videogame |
Adventure | adventure |
Aerospace DVD | aerodvd |
Aerospace Fiction | areofic |
Aerospace Laserdisc Collection | aerolaser |
Aerospace Non-Fiction | aeronf |
Aerospace Vertical File | areovertical |
After Class Collection | accoll |
Agriculture/Horticulture | ag-hort |
Allan Welge Collection | welge |
Animals & Creatures | animals |
Anime | anime |
Anthology | anth |
Arabic Language | lang-ara |
Archive | archive |
Archive Book | archivebk |
Archive Folder | archivefld |
Art | art |
Art Book | artbk |
Art Print | artprint |
Atlas | atlas |
Audio | audio |
Audio CD | audiocd |
Audiobook | aubk |
Audiobook, Cassette | aubk-cs |
Audiobook, Cassette Fiction | aubk-csfic |
Audiobook, Cassette Language | aubk-cslang |
Audiobook, Cassette Literature | aubk-cslit |
Audiobook, Cassette Non-Fiction | aubk-csnf |
Audiobook, CD | aubk-cd |
Audiobook, CD, Fiction | aubk-cdfic |
Audiobook, CD, Language | aubk-cdlang |
Audiobook, CD, Non-Fiction | aubk-cdnf |
Audiobook, CD, Popular Literature | aubk-cdpop |
Audiobook, Fiction | aubk-fic |
Audiobook, MP3 | aubk-mp3 |
Audiobook, Mystery | audbk-mys |
Audiobook, Non-Fiction | aubk-nf |
Audiobook, Playaway | aubk-play |
Audiocassette | audiocass |
Audiovisual | av |
Audiovisual Equipment | avequip |
Audiovisual Fiction | avfic |
Audiovisual Reference | avref |
Autism | autism |
Auto Repair | autorepair |
Avalon Book | avalon |
Awards | awards |
Awards, (Theodor Seuss) Geisel | Geisel |
Awards, Abraham Lincoln | alincoln |
Awards, Bluestem | bluestem |
Awards, Caldecott | caldecott |
Awards, Monarch | monarch |
Awards, Newbery | newbery |
Awards, Rebecca Caudill | caudill |
Baby Book | babybk |
Baby Talk | babytalk |
Baby/Toddler | babytod |
Bag | bag |
Basic Reader, Fiction | basicfic |
Basic Reader, Non-Fiction | basicnf |
Basket | basket |
Beginner Reader | beginner |
Best Seller | bestseller |
Bi-Folkal Kit | bifolkal |
Big Book | bigbook |
Bilingual | bilingual |
Bin Book | binbk |
Biography | bio |
Black's Reader Service | blacks |
Blu-ray | bluray |
Blu-ray, Binge Box | bray-bb |
Blu-ray, Fiction | blurayfic |
Blu-ray, Non-Fiction | bluraynf |
Blu-ray/DVD Combo | bluraydvdc |
Blu-ray/DVD Combo, Fiction | bluraydvdcf |
Blu-ray/DVD Combo, Non-Fiction | bluraydvdcnf |
Board Book | boardbk |
Book Bike | Book Bike |
Book Box | book box |
Book Box 2 | Book Box 2 |
Book Club | bkclub |
Book Club Kit | bkclubkit |
Book Set | bkset |
Book/Cass, Fiction | bkcsfic |
Book/CD, Fiction | bkcdfic |
Bookcrossing | bkcrossing |
Bookmobile | bkmbl |
Broadside | broadside |
Brochure | brochure |
Brown Bag & Book | brownbag |
Browsed | browsed |
Career | career |
Cassette, Blues | cs-blues |
Cassette, Country/Western | cs-country |
Cassette, Folk/Religious | cs-folkreg |
Cassette, Music | cs-music |
Cassette, Popular | cs-pop |
CD | cd |
CD, Blues | cd-blues |
CD, Classical | cd-classical |
CD, Country/Western | cd-country |
CD, Document | cd-doc |
CD, Fiction | cd-fic |
CD, Folk | cd-folk |
CD, Folk/Religious | cd-folkrel |
CD, Gospel/Christian | cd-gospel |
CD, Holiday | cd-holiday |
CD, Jazz | cd-jazz |
CD, Leased | cd-leased |
CD, Literature | cd-lit |
CD, Music | cd-music |
CD, Musical | cd-musical |
CD, New Age | cd-newage |
CD, Non-Fiction | cd-nf |
CD, Opera | cd-opera |
CD, Popular | cd-pop |
CD, R&B/Soul | cd-rbsoul |
CD, Rap | cd-rap |
CD, Reggae | cd-reggae |
CD, Rock | cd-rock |
CD, Rock/Pop | cd-rockpop |
CD, Soul | cd-soul |
CD, Sound Effects | cd-soundef |
CD, Soundtrack | cd-soundtk |
CD, Spoken | cd-spoken |
CD, World (International) | cd-world |
CD-ROM | cdrom |
CD-ROM, Non-Fiction | cdrom-nf |
CDs & Software | cd-sw |
CFH, Adult Fiction | cfh-a-fic |
CFH, Archive | cfh-archive |
CFH, CD | cfh-cd |
CFH, DVD | cfh-dvd |
CFH, Equipment | cfh-equipment |
CFH, Oversize Collection | cfh-oversize |
CFH, Reference | cfh-reference |
CFH, VHS | cfh-vhs |
CFH, Young Adult Audiobook, Fiction | cfh-ya-aubkf |
CFH, Young Adult Audiobook, Non-Fiction | cfh-ya-aubknf |
CFH, Young Adult Fiction | cfh-ya-fic |
CFH, Young Adult Large Print, Fiction | cfh-ya-lpfic |
CFH, Young Adult Large Print, Non-Fiction | cfh-ya-lpnf |
CFH, Young Adult Non-Fiction | cfh-ya-nf |
CFH, Young Adult Story Collection | cfh-ya-story |
Chapter Book | chapbk |
Chapter Book, Beginner | chapbk-beg |
Chart | chart |
Children's Animated Movies | ch-anmov |
Children's Audio CDs | ch-audcd |
Children's Audiobook | ch-aubk |
Children's Audiovisual | ch-av |
Children's Book & Audio Kit | ch-bookak |
Children's Books | ch-book |
Children's Books on Tape | ch-bktape |
Children's Classics | chiclassics |
Children's Collection | childrens |
Children's Fiction | ch-f |
Children's Local Author | child loc aut |
Children's Movies | ch-movie |
Children's Non-Fiction | ch-nf |
Children's Periodicals | ch-per |
Children's Resource Collection | ch-res |
Children's Video | ch-video |
Christian | christian |
Christian Fiction | chr-fic |
Christian Romance | chr-rom |
Christmas | christmas |
Christmas Non-Fiction | christmasnf |
Circulating Reference | circref |
Classic | classic |
Cliff's Notes | cliffs |
Closed Reserve | closedres |
Collectable | collectable |
Collective Biography | collbio |
Coloring Book | coloring |
Comic Book | comic |
Community Book | community |
Computer | computer |
Computer Software | software |
Contemporary Fiction | contemp |
Contemporary World Issues | contempwi |
Cooking | cooking |
Cozy | cozy |
Craft Box | craftbox |
Crafts | crafts |
Cross Categorical | crosscat |
Curriculum Unit | curric |
DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) | dar |
Deaf and Hard of Hearing | deaf |
Defining Moments | defin-moment |
Discovery Kit | discovery |
Disney Book | disneybk |
Disney Movie | disneymv |
Dr. Seuss | seuss |
Drama | drama |
Drawing/Painting | draw-paint |
DVD | dvd |
DVD, Action | dvd-act |
DVD, Binge Box | dvd-bb |
DVD, Christian | dvd-chri |
DVD, Comedy | dvd-com |
DVD, Document | dvd-doc |
DVD, Drama | dvd-drama |
DVD, Entertainment | dvd-ent |
DVD, Family | dvd-fam |
DVD, Fiction | dvd-fic |
DVD, Foreign | dvd-for |
DVD, Holiday | dvd-holi |
DVD, Horror | dvd-hor |
DVD, Instructional | dvd-inst |
DVD, Japanese | dvd-jap |
DVD, Miscellaneous | dvd-misc |
DVD, Musical | dvd-musc |
DVD, Non-Fiction | dvd-nf |
DVD, R Rated | dvd-r |
DVD, Romance | dvd-rom |
DVD, Science Fiction | dvd-sf |
DVD, Suspense/Mystery | dvd-mys |
DVD, TV Series | dvd tv series |
DVD/VHS | dvd-vhs |
Dystopia | dystopia |
Dystopian Fiction | Dystopian |
Early Reader | earlyrdr |
Early Reader, Biography | earlyrdb |
Early Reader, Fiction | earlyrdfic |
Early Reader, Non-Fiction | earlyrdrnf |
Easy | easy |
Easy (Paperback) | E-PBK |
Easy AR 1 | e ar1 |
Easy AR 2 | e ar2 |
Easy AR 3 | e ar3 |
Easy AR 4 | e ar4 |
Easy Audiobook | e-aubk |
Easy Audiovisual | e-av |
Easy Biography | e-bio |
Easy Board Book | e-board |
Easy DVD | e-dvd |
Easy DVD, Fiction | e-dvdf |
Easy DVD, Non-Fiction | e-dvdnf |
Easy Fiction | e-fic |
Easy Graphic Novel | e-graphic |
Easy Kit | e-kit |
Easy Kit Fiction | e-kitfic |
Easy Kit Music | e-kitmus |
Easy Kit Non-Fiction | e-kitnf |
Easy Music | e-music |
Easy New Arrivals | e-newarriv |
Easy Non-Fiction | e-nf |
Easy Periodical | e-per |
Easy Reader | e-reader |
Easy Reader 1 | e-reader1 |
Easy Reader 2 | e-reader2 |
Easy Reader 3 | e-reader3 |
Easy Reader 4 | e-reader4 |
Easy Reader 5 | e-reader5 |
Easy Reader 6 | e-reader6 |
Easy Reader, Non Fiction | easy nofic |
Easy Reader, P-3 | e-readerp3 |
Easy Reader, Spanish Language | e-readersp |
Easy Readers & Picture Bks. | e-readpic |
Easy Reference | e-ref |
Easy Series | e-series |
Easy Spanish | e-spanish |
E-Book | ebook |
Education | education |
Education Collection | ed-coll |
Electronic Device | e-device |
Electronic Document | edoc |
Electronic Equipment | e-equip |
Electronic Resource | eresource |
Elementary Biography | el-bio |
Elementary Board Book | el-board |
Elementary Fiction | el-fic |
Elementary Non-Fiction | el-nf |
Elementary Reference | el-ref |
Elementary Teacher | el-teacher |
Elementary Videos | el-video |
Emergent Reader | emergent |
Encyclopedia | encyclop |
English as a Second Language | esl |
EPA Record | eparecord |
Ephemera | ephemera |
Equip For Physically Impaired | equipphys |
Equipment | equipment |
E-Readers | ereaders |
Express | express |
Express Book | expressbk |
Express DVD | expressdvd |
Faculty Library | faculty |
Family | family |
Fantasy | fantasy |
Fastback | fastback |
Favorites | favorites |
Fiction | fiction |
Fiction Series | ficseries |
Fiction, Adventure | ficadven |
Fiction, Animals | ficanimal |
Fiction, Chapter 1 Point | ficch1pt |
Fiction, Chapter 2 Point | ficch2pt |
Fiction, Chapter 3 Point | ficch3pt |
Fiction, Grades 4-6 | ficgr4-6 |
Fiction, Grades 7-12 | ficgr7-12 |
Fiction, Sports | ficsports |
Field Guide | fieldguide |
Filmstrip | filmstrip |
First Book | firstbook |
Fishing Pole | fish |
Folklore | folk |
Foreign Language | forlang |
French Language Materials | french |
G or PG Movies | g-pgmovie |
Game | game |
Game, Computer | compgame |
Game, Console | conslgame |
Games | games |
Gardening | garden |
Genealogy | gene |
Genealogy CD | gene-cd |
Genealogy Microform | gene-mf |
Genealogy Reference | gene-ref |
Genealogy/Local History | gene-lh |
General Collection | gencoll |
General Fiction | genfic |
Geotechnical | geotech |
Government Document | govdoc |
Grade, 1 & 2 Fiction | gr1-2f |
Grade, 1st Reader | gr1-readr |
Grade, 2nd | gr2 |
Grade, 2nd Reader | gr2-readr |
Grade, 3rd | gr3 |
Grade, 3rd Reader | gr3-readr |
Grade, 4th | gr4 |
Grant Material | grant |
Graphic Novel | gn |
Graphic Novel, Fiction | gn-f |
Graphic Novel, Non-Fiction | gn-nf |
Great Books | greatbks |
Great Courses | greatcourses |
Guide | guide |
Hanson Professionals-Nashville, TN | hp-nash |
Hanson Professionals-Oakbrook | hp-oakb |
Hanson Professionals-Springfield | hp-springf |
Harvard Classic | harvardcl |
High Risk | highrisk |
High School Fiction | hs-fic |
High School History | hs-hist |
High School Spanish | hs-spang |
High School Textbook | hs-txtbk |
Historical Fiction | hist-fic |
Historical Romance | hist-rom |
History | Hist |
History Room | histrm |
History Room Reference | histrmref |
HJH, Fiction | hjh-fiction |
HJH, Non-Fiction | hjh-non-fic |
HJH, Reference | hjh-reference |
HJH, Story Collection | hjh-storycoll |
Holiday | hol |
Holiday Fiction | holfic |
Holiday Non-Fiction | holnf |
Holocaust | Holo |
Home School | homesch |
Home School-Elementary level | homesc-elem |
Home School-High School level | homesc-hs |
Home School-Junior High level | homesc-jh |
Horror | horror |
Hotspot | hotspot |
Hotspots (hotspot) | Hotspots |
Humor | humor |
IICLE | iicle |
Illinois Collection | il-coll |
Illinois History | il-hist |
Illinois Information | il-info |
Illinois Pamphlet | il-pam |
Illinois Periodical | il-per |
Illinois Reference | il-ref |
Inspirational | insp |
Inspirational Fiction | insp-fic |
Inspirational Non-Fiction | insp-nf |
Interlibrary Loan | ill |
Issues That Concern You | issues |
JLN, Archive | jln-archive |
JLN, CD | jln-cd |
JLN, DVD | jln-dvd |
JLN, Easy Fiction | jln-e-fic |
JLN, Easy Non-Fiction | jln-e-nf |
JLN, Equipment | jln-equipment |
JLN, Juvenile Audio Fiction | jln-j-audfic |
JLN, Juvenile Fiction | jln-j-fic |
JLN, Juvenile Non-Fiction | jln-j-nf |
JLN, Juvenile Story Collection | jln-j-storycol |
JLN, Juvenile Toys & Games | jln-j-toys |
JLN, Oversize Collection | jln-oversize |
JLN, Periodical | jln-periodical |
JLN, Professional collection | jln-profcoll |
JLN, Reference | jln-reference |
JLN, VHS | jln-vhs |
JLN, Young Adult Audiobook, Fiction | jln-ya-aubkf |
JLN, Young Adult Audiobook, Non-Fiction | jln-ya-aubknf |
JLN, Young Adult Fiction | jln-ya-fic |
JLN, Young Adult Large Print, Fiction | jln-ya-lpfic |
JLN, Young Adult Large Print, Non-Fiction | jln-ya-lpnf |
JLN, Young Adult Non-Fiction | jln-ya-nf |
JLN, Young Adult Story Collection | jln-ya-story |
Journal | journal |
Junior High | jh |
Junior High Biography | jh-bio |
Junior High Fiction | jh-fic |
Junior High Graphic Novel | jh-graphic |
Junior High Non-Fiction | jh-nf |
Junior High Story Collection | jh-sc |
Junior/Senior High | jsh |
Junior/Senior High Biography | jsh-bio |
Junior/Senior High Fiction | jsh-fic |
Junior/Senior High Non-Fiction | jsh-nf |
Junior/Senior High Reference | jsh-ref |
Junior/Senior High VHS | jsh-vhs |
Juniors | juniors |
Juv/Young Adult Biography | jya-bio |
Juv/Young Adult Fiction | jya-f |
Juv/Young Adult Nonfiction | jya-nf |
Juv/Young Adult Reference | jya-ref |
Juvenile | juvenile |
Juvenile 4K HD | J-4K HD |
Juvenile African-American | j-afram |
Juvenile Audio | j-aud |
Juvenile Audio Fiction | j-audfic |
Juvenile Audio Kit (book & Cassette) | j-audkit |
Juvenile Audio Non-Fiction | j-audnf |
Juvenile Audiobook | j-aubk |
Juvenile Audiobook, Cassette | j-aubkcs |
Juvenile Audiobook, Cassette Fiction | j-aubkcsf |
Juvenile Audiobook, Cassette Non-Fiction | j-aubkcsnf |
Juvenile Audiobook, CD | j-aubkcd |
Juvenile Audiobook, CD, Fiction | j-aubkcdf |
Juvenile Audiobook, CD, Literature | j-aubkcdl |
Juvenile Audiobook, CD, Non-Fiction | j-aubkcdnf |
Juvenile Audiobook, Fiction | j-aubkfic |
Juvenile Audiobook, Non-Fiction | j-aubknf |
Juvenile Audiobook, Spoken | j-aubkspok |
Juvenile Biography | j-bio |
Juvenile Blu-ray | j-bluray |
Juvenile Blu-ray, Fiction | j-blurayf |
Juvenile Blu-ray, Non-Fiction | j-bluraynf |
Juvenile Blu-ray/DVD Combo | j-bluraydvdc |
Juvenile Blu-ray/DVD Combo, Fiction | j-bluraydvdcf |
Juvenile Blu-ray/DVD Combo, Non-Fiction | j-bluraydvdcnf |
Juvenile Book with CD | j-bkcd |
Juvenile Book/cassette | j-bkcs |
Juvenile Braille | j-brail |
Juvenile Braille, Fiction | j-brailf |
Juvenile Braille, Non-Fiction | j-brailnf |
Juvenile Cassette, Folk/religious | j-csfolk |
Juvenile Cassette, Musical | j-csmuscal |
Juvenile Cassette, Popular | j-cspop |
Juvenile Cassette, Sound Effects | j-cssound |
Juvenile CD | j-cd |
Juvenile CD, Classical | j-cdclass |
Juvenile CD, Fiction | j-cdf |
Juvenile CD, Folk/Religious | j-cdfolk |
Juvenile CD, Holiday | j-cdhol |
Juvenile CD, Music | j-cdmusic |
Juvenile CD, Musical | j-cdmuscal |
Juvenile CD, Non-Fiction | j-cdnf |
Juvenile CD, Popular | j-cdpop |
Juvenile CD, Rock | j-cdrock |
Juvenile CD, Spoken | j-cdspoken |
Juvenile CD-ROM | j-cdrom |
Juvenile Classic | j-classic |
Juvenile Collective Biography | j-collbio |
Juvenile Color-coded Books | j-color |
Juvenile Comic Book | j-comic |
Juvenile DVD | j-dvd |
Juvenile DVD, Fiction | j-dvdf |
Juvenile DVD, Holiday | j-dvdh |
Juvenile DVD, Non-Fiction | j-dvdnf |
Juvenile DVD/VHS | j-dvdvhs |
Juvenile Express | j-express |
Juvenile Fiction | j-fic |
Juvenile Fiction Series | j-ficser |
Juvenile Fiction-Junior Readers | j-ficjr |
Juvenile Folklore/Folk Tales | j-folk |
Juvenile Game | j-game |
Juvenile Graphic Novel | j-gn |
Juvenile Graphic Novel Fiction | j-gnf |
Juvenile Graphic Novel Non-Fiction | j-gnnf |
Juvenile Holiday | j-hol |
Juvenile Holiday Fiction | j-holf |
Juvenile Holiday Non-Fiction | j-holnf |
Juvenile Holocaust | JHolo |
Juvenile Humor | j-humor |
Juvenile Japanese Language | j-japn |
Juvenile Kit | j-kit |
Juvenile Kit Fiction | j-kitfic |
Juvenile Kit Non-Fiction | j-kitnf |
Juvenile Large Print | j-lp |
Juvenile Large Print Fiction | j-lpfic |
Juvenile Literature | j-lit |
Juvenile MP3, Fiction | j-mp3fic |
Juvenile MP3, Non-Fiction | j-mp3nf |
Juvenile Music | j-music |
Juvenile Mystery | j-mys |
Juvenile New Arrivals | j-newarriv |
Juvenile Non-Fiction | j-nf |
Juvenile Non-Fiction, 7-12 | j-nf7-12 |
Juvenile Non-Fiction, K-6 | j-nfk-6 |
Juvenile Oversize Collection | juv-oversize |
Juvenile Periodical | j-per |
Juvenile Playaway | j-play |
Juvenile Playaway Fiction | j-playfic |
Juvenile Plus | juv-plu |
Juvenile Professional Collection | j-prof |
Juvenile Reference | j-ref |
Juvenile Software | j-software |
Juvenile Spanish Language | j-span |
Juvenile Spanish Language, Fiction | j-spanfic |
Juvenile Spanish Language, Non-Fiction | j-spannf |
Juvenile Special | j-special |
Juvenile Story Cassette Bag | j-storycsb |
Juvenile Story Collection | j-storycol |
Juvenile Teaching Collection | j-teach |
Juvenile Toys and Games | j-toys |
Juvenile VHS | j-vhs |
Juvenile VHS, Fiction | j-vhsf |
Juvenile VHS, Non-Fiction | j-vhsnf |
Juvenile Video Game | j-vidgame |
Juvenile Video or DVD | j-viddvd |
Keepsake Collection | keepsake |
Kindergarten | kinderg |
Kit | kit |
Kit Fiction | kitfic |
Kit Non-Fiction | kitnf |
Korean Language Materials | korean |
Large Print | lp |
Large Print African-American | lp-aa |
Large Print Biography | lp-bio |
Large Print Christian Fiction | lp-cf |
Large Print Collection #1 | lp-coll1 |
Large Print Collection #12 | lp-coll12 |
Large Print Collection #13 | lp-coll13 |
Large Print Collection #14 | lp-coll14 |
Large Print Collection #19 | lp-coll19 |
Large Print Collection #2 | lp-coll2 |
Large Print Collection #20 | lp-coll20 |
Large Print Collection #21 | lp-coll21 |
Large Print Collection #28 | lp-coll28 |
Large Print Collection #3 | lp-coll3 |
Large Print Collection #30 | lp-coll30 |
Large Print Collection #33 | lp-coll33 |
Large Print Collection #36 | lp-coll36 |
Large Print Collection #39 | lp-coll39 |
Large Print Collection #4 | lp-coll4 |
Large Print Collection #41 | lp-coll41 |
Large Print Collection #42 | lp-coll42 |
Large Print Collection #44 | lp-coll44 |
Large Print Collection #45 | lp-coll45 |
Large Print Collection #7 | lp-coll7 |
Large Print Cozy | lp cozy |
Large Print Fiction | lp-fic |
Large Print Harlequin | lp-harleq |
Large Print Historical Fiction | lp-histfic |
Large Print Inspirational | lp-insp |
Large Print Inspirational Fiction | lp-inspf |
Large Print Inspirational Non-Fiction | lp-inspnf |
Large Print Mystery | lp-mys |
Large Print Non-Fiction | lp-nf |
Large Print Romance | lp-rom |
Large Print Rotating Collection | lp-rotcoll |
Large Print Science Fiction | lp-sf |
Large Print Western | lp-western |
Larger Print | largerprint |
Launchpad | Lpad |
Launchpad | launchpad |
Leased | leased |
Leased Fiction | leasedf |
Legal | legal |
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender | lgbt |
Leveled Readers | leveled |
Lewis & Clark Collection | lewisclark |
LGBTQ+ | lgbtq+ |
Library of Things | libthi |
Library Professional Collection | libprof |
Lincoln Collection | lincolncoll |
Literacy | literacy |
Literacy Kit | literacykt |
Literature | literature |
Literature Circle | litcircle |
Little Book | littlebk |
Local History | lhist |
Local History Reference | lh-ref |
Local Request | localrqst |
Logan Memorial Collection | logan |
LOVE (Libraries Offering Video Entertainment) DVD | lovedvd |
LUCKY Collection | lucky |
Lucky Day | Lucky Day |
LUCKY Grant Book | luckbk |
LUCKY Grant DVD | luckdvd |
Main Floor Display | mainfd |
Manga | manga |
Manual | manual |
Map | map |
MCGS Collection | mcgs |
McNaughton Book | mcnaughton |
Media | media |
Media with Book | mediabk |
Memory Care | mem-care |
Memory Kits | mem-kits |
Microfiche | mfiche |
Microfilm | mfilm |
Microfilmed Manuscript | mfilmman |
Microfilmed Newspaper | mfilmnp |
Microform | mform |
Microform Document | mformdoc |
Microform Genealogy | mformgen |
Microform Periodical | mformper |
Middle Grade | mid grade |
Middle School Fiction | ms-fic |
Middle School Non-Fiction | ms-nf |
Military | military |
Miller Fiege Home | fiege |
Movies | movies |
MP3 | mp3 |
MP3 Audiobook | mp3aubk |
MP3 Fiction | mp3fic |
MP3 Non-Fiction | mp3nf |
Multiple Collections | multiple |
Multiple Copy | m copy |
Music | music |
Music, Score | musicscore |
Mystery | mys |
Mystery/Suspense | mys/sus |
New Arrivals | newarriv |
New Fiction | newfic |
New Large Print | newLP |
New Non-Fiction | newnf |
New Young Adult | newya |
New. Indep. Microfilm | newmfilm |
Newspaper | newspaper |
Nintendo Switch Collection | nin-swi |
Non-Fiction | non-fic |
Non-Profit Organization Collection | non-profit |
Novels in Verse | novver |
On Demand Fiction | demandfic |
On the Fly | onthefly |
Opposing Viewpoints | oppview |
Oprah Book Club | oprah |
Oral History Audio Collection | oralaud |
Oversize | over-size |
Oversize Collection | oversize |
Oversize Fiction | over-fic |
Oversize, Non-fiction | over-non-fic |
Pamphlet | pamphlet |
Paperback | paperback |
Paperback Fiction | pbk-fic |
Paralegal | paralegal |
Parent Book | parentbk |
Parent Resource Non-Fiction | parentnf |
Parent/Teacher Collection | pt-coll |
Parent/Teacher DVD Fiction | pt-dvdf |
Parent/Teacher DVD Non-Fiction | pt-dvdnf |
Parent/Teacher Easy | pt-easy |
Parent/Teacher Easy Board Book | pt-easybd |
Parent/Teacher Fiction | pt-fic |
Parent/Teacher Kit | pt-kit |
Parent/Teacher Kit Non-Fiction | pt-kitnf |
Parent/Teacher Moveable | pt-move |
Parent/Teacher Non-Fiction | pt-nf |
Parent/Teacher Periodical | pt-per |
Parenting | parenting |
People | people |
Periodical | periodical |
PG13 Movies | pg13movie |
PG13 Rated DVDs | pg13dvd |
PG13 Rated Videos | pg13vhs |
Phonics | pho |
Photography | photography |
Picture | picture |
Picture Book | picbk |
Playaway | playaway |
Playaway View | playaway-view |
Poetry | poetry |
Popup Book | popup |
Poster | poster |
PRC/Media Center | prcmedia |
Pre-K Collection | prekcoll |
Pre-K--2nd | prek-2 |
Pre-Kindergarten | prek |
Preschool | preschool |
Preschool Picture | preschpic |
Primary | primary |
Primary Audiobook | prim-aubk |
Primary Biography | prim-bio |
Primary Easy | prim-easy |
Primary Fiction | prim-fic |
Primary Non-Fiction | prim-nf |
Primary Reference | prim-ref |
Primary Story Collection | prim-sc |
Professional | prof |
Professional Collection | profcoll |
Professional Military Education | prof-miled |
Professional Resources | prof-res |
Professional Sound Book | prof-snbk |
Professional, Parent, Adult Materials | prof-pam |
Project Next Generation | nextgen |
Puppet | puppet |
Puzzle | puzzle |
R Rated Movies | r-movie |
R Rated Music | r-music |
Rare Book | rarebook |
Read for a Lifetime | lifetime |
Reading Counts | counts |
Reading List | readlist |
Ready Reference | readyref |
Realistic Fiction | real-fic |
Red Dot Collection | reddot |
Reference | reference |
Relationships, Culture & Identity | relculid |
Religion | religion |
Rental | rental |
Rental AV | rent-av |
Rental Fiction | rent-fic |
Rental Large Print Fiction | rent-lpf |
Rental Non-Fiction | rent-nf |
Replicas | replicas |
Reserve | reserve |
Reserve Fiction | resv-fic |
Reserve Non-Fiction | resv-nf |
Reserve Reference | resv-ref |
Restricted Access | restricted |
Robotics | robotics |
ROE, CD | roe-cd |
ROE, Computer Software | roe-software |
ROE, DVD | roe-dvd |
ROE, General Collection | roe-gencoll |
ROE, Kit | roe-kit |
ROE, Periodical | roe-periodical |
Romance | romance |
Romance Inspirational | rom-insp |
Rotating Collection | rotating |
Science Fiction | sf |
Science Fiction/Fantasy | sff |
Sci-Fi & Dystopian | scifi&dys |
Scouting Material | scouting |
Secondary Biography | sec-bio |
Secondary Fiction | sec-fic |
Secondary Non-Fiction | sec-nf |
Secondary Reference | sec-ref |
Seed Library | seed |
Self-Help | self-help |
Serial | serial |
Series & Authors | S&A |
Sheet Music Local History | sheetmusic lh |
Shoemaker Schoolhouse | shoemaker |
Short Story | shortstory |
Slide | slide |
Small Business | smbus |
Southern IL Collection | southil |
Spanish Language | spanish |
Spanish Language, Non-Fiction | span-nf |
Special Collection | special |
Special Needs | special-n |
Spooky | spooky |
Sports | sports |
Sports Fiction | Sports Fiction |
Sports non-fiction | sports nf |
Staff Development | stf-dev |
Star Wars | starwars |
State Justice Institute | sji |
Storage | storage |
Story Collection | storycoll |
Storytelling | storytell |
Streaming Service Devices (stream-devices) | Streaming Ser |
Study Guide | studyguide |
Supernatural Fiction | Supernatural |
Tactiles and Manipulatives | tactiles |
Taking Sides | taksides |
Teacher Periodical | teach-per |
Teacher Resource | teach-res |
Teaching & Learning Center | teachlearn |
Teaching Aids | teach-aid |
Tech Equipment | Techeq |
Technical Services | techsvcs |
Technology | tech |
Technology Support | tech-supt |
Teen Audiobook, Fiction | T-Audbk Fic |
Teen Audiobook, Non-Fiction | T-Audbk Non-Fic |
Teen Biography | teen-bio |
Teen DVD | Teen DVD |
Teen Fiction | Teen Fic |
Teen Non-Fiction | Teen Non-Fic |
Teen Software | Teen Software |
Telescope | telescope |
Television Series | TV Series |
Test Material | test |
Textbook | textbook |
The Reference Shelf | trs |
Thriller Fiction | Thriller |
Tonies | tonies |
Toy | toy |
Training Collection | training |
Transportation | transport |
Travel | travel |
True Crime | truecrime |
Tween | tween |
Urban Fiction | urban-fic |
US History | ushist |
Valmeyer School-Adult | val-adult |
Valmeyer School-Juvenile | val-juv |
Valmeyer School-Young Adult | val-ya |
Vampires | vamp |
Vault | vault |
Vertical File | vertical |
Very Short Introductions | very short |
VHS | vhs |
VHS, Adult | vhs-ad |
VHS, Children's Movies | vhs-chmov |
VHS, Comedy | vhs-com |
VHS, Educational | vhs-ed |
VHS, Entertainment | vhs-ent |
VHS, Family Movies | vhs-fam |
VHS, Fiction | vhs-fic |
VHS, Non-Fiction | vhs-nf |
Video Collection | video |
Video Game | vid-game |
Video Games-Juvenile | vid game-juv |
Video Games-Young Adult | vid game-ya |
Vinyl Recording | vinyl |
War | war |
War Fiction | warfic |
War non-fiction | War nf |
Western | western |
Who/What Was? | whowhat |
Wolf Collection | wolf |
Wonderbooks | wonder |
Wordless Book | wordless |
Words on Wheels | wordwheel |
World Language | w-language |
Year Book | yearbook |
Yoto | Yoto |
Young Adult | ya |
Young Adult Audio | ya-audio |
Young Adult Audiobook | ya-aubk |
Young Adult Audiobook, CD | ya-aubkcd |
Young Adult Audiobook, Fiction | ya-aubkf |
Young Adult Audiobook, Non-Fiction | ya-aubknf |
Young Adult Biography | ya-bio |
Young Adult Blu-ray | ya-bluray |
Young Adult CD | ya-cd |
Young Adult Classic | ya-cla |
Young Adult Comic Book | ya-comic |
Young Adult DVD | ya-dvd |
Young Adult DVD, Fiction | ya-dvdfic |
Young Adult DVD, Non-Fiction | ya-dvdnf |
Young Adult Express | ya-express |
Young Adult Fantasy | yafan |
Young Adult Fiction | ya-fic |
Young Adult Fiction Series | ya-fic ser |
Young Adult Graphic Fiction | ya-grfic |
Young Adult Graphic Non-Fiction | ya-grnf |
Young Adult Graphic Novel | ya-grph |
Young Adult Kit Fiction | ya-kitf |
Young Adult Kit Non-Fiction | ya-kitnf |
Young Adult Large Print | ya-lp |
Young Adult Large Print Fiction | ya-lpf |
Young Adult Manga | ya-manga |
Young Adult MP3, Fiction | ya-mp3f |
Young Adult Mystery | ya-mys |
Young Adult Non-Fiction | ya-nf |
Young Adult Periodical | ya-per |
Young Adult Playaway | ya-play |
Young Adult Reference | ya-ref |
Young Adult Science Fiction | YA-SF |
Young Adult Story Collection | ya-story |
Young Adult VHS | ya-vhs |
Young Adult VHS, Fiction | ya-vhsf |
Young Adult VHS, Non-Fiction | ya-vhsnf |
Young Adult Video Game | ya-videogame |
Young Authors | youngauth |
Young Readers | youngrdr |