December 21, 2015

Home > Connect > Newsletters > December 21, 2015

Thank you for your participation in eRead Illinois! Almost 100% of our libraries renewed their participation in the Cloud Library shared collection for 2016, plus we added in a couple more. (Hi, Shelbyville CUSD#4 & Du Quoin Public!) There are now 170 library agencies providing more access to eBooks for their patrons!

If you haven’t received it already, your 2016 Cloud Library shopping cart info will be in your inbox before the holiday. If you would rather not have a shopping cart assigned to you in 2016 – please let Lesley Zavediuk know. Also, we’ll be making an extra purchase on Tuesday afternoon, December 22. If you have new titles you would like added to the collection before the holidays, be sure to have them in your cart by Tuesday morning.

Don’t forget, Recorded Books is offering SHARE libraries that would like to start participating in our Zinio consortium an additional discount through December 31, 2015. Blue Ridge Township Library took advantage of the added discount and will start using Zinio on January 1. Wondering what titles are currently offered in our shared collection? Check out our current subscription list. Contact Lesley Zavediuk if you are interested in more information.

Lesley Zavediuk, SHARE Circulation & Resource Sharing Specialist
Chris Dawdy, SHARE Director
