May 26, 2016

Home > Connect > Newsletters > May 26, 2016

The results are in from the Cloud Library Loan Rules Survey we conducted last month. The overwhelming response was that what we’re doing is working great and that our loan rules should remain the same, so they will! The SHARE eResources committee reviewed the final results at their meeting on Monday, May 23 and agreed that there is no need to change Cloud Library loan rules at this time. You can view the final survey report, here.

Cloud Library participants will be receiving their updated shopping cart amount for FY2017 (July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017) by the end of June. If you would rather not have a shopping cart next year, just let me know and I’ll add your money to the “no cart fund”. I use that money to select titles we need throughout the year to satisfy requests and round out the collection. Be sure to spend your allotted amount for 2016 by June 30. Questions? Email me and I’ll get you the answers.

If you haven’t returned your Cloud Library or Zinio renewal forms, please be sure to do so by Wednesday, June 6, 2016. Gale database renewal information will be coming soon and that will wrap up our eResource renewal period for this year!

Important Dates:
