July 26, 2016

Home > Connect > Newsletters > July 26, 2016

In September, the Cloud Library logo will be redesigned. The new logo will be available on the SHARE website and Bibliotheca will be sending us some new promotional templates that I’ll be sharing as well. Our school library participants will be very excited to learn that the new Chromebook app for the Cloud Library is now available in the Chrome Web Store and linked on yourcloudlibrary.com. Stay tuned for many other new and exciting features coming to the Cloud Library this fall!

Thank you to Mt. Zion District Library for purchasing a subscription to Better Homes and Gardens for our Zinio consortium. The title has already been added to the collection and an updated FY2017 subscription list is available here.  

eResource Tip:
Did you get new patron barcodes? Don’t forget that most eResources use your patron barcodes to authenticate users. For both the Cloud Library and Overdrive, you’ll need to submit a form (linked below) to be sure that your patrons’ items and holds move from the old barcode to the new. For Zinio participants, simply send the new barcode prefix to me and I’ll get it added to our authentication list.

Vendor Information:
is a non-profit organization that helps promote public libraries by showcasing the bulk of your library's new books, DVDs, and CDs in very user-friendly weekly email newsletters, linked web pages and RSS feeds. Wowbrary also provides an animated, customizable “widget” featuring covers of new titles that you can place on your library website. This service is very affordable and all Illinois Heartland libraries get an automatic 25% discount. Libraries can sign up for Wowbrary at any time. For more information, please contact jeff@wowbrary.org or call 650-328-1954.

We’re gauging interest in a possible group purchase of Brain HQ from Demco. BrainHQ™ is an easy way to make brain health a priority. Library card holders can access a suite of online exercises designed to stretch the brain in new ways to help participants think faster, focus better and remember more. Demco will be presenting an introductory webinar for public libraries in SHARE on Tuesday, August 9 from 1:00 – 2:00 pm. Register to attend via the link below.  Even if you can’t make it, this session will be recorded.

Important Dates:
