October 19, 2016

Home > Connect > Newsletters > October 19, 2016

Purchases for the Cloud Library will be made on Thursday (10/20) after 12:00 pm this week.  Please make sure you have any items that you would like purchased for the shared collection in your cart by noon on October 20. Not sure what to buy? You’ll find a new Community Cart in CAT with the 2016 National Book Award Finalists. Have you used your shopping cart at all since July? If not, you might want to turn it over to me and have your library added to the ‘no cart’ list. I’m always willing to take your suggestions and we need to keep the collection growing!

Our Zinio for School Libraries group launched on Monday, October 17. Participants get access to 25 magazine subscriptions at one low price! Is your school library interested in joining? Read the Zinio for School libraries FAQ or contact Lesley Zavediuk, SHARE Circulation & Resource Sharing Specialist for more information. Already know all the details and ready to sign up? Go ahead and send me the Zinio Participation form.

As of October 1, US Weekly is back in the Zinio public libraries’ shared collection. We received all back issues from when US Weekly was discontinued and your library should have received the invoice last week.

Try-it Illinois
The Illinois State Library is providing Try-it! Illinois October 1 – November 30, 2016. This is the 17th year that 5,000 ILLINET member libraries have the opportunity to survey and evaluate a wide variety of electronic resources. To view the list of database vendors participating and to receive log in credentials for the free trials visit: www.finditillinois.org/tryit/.

Important Dates:
