July 19, 2017

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Welcome to the first IHLS eResources Newsletter! This newsletter will feature important information regarding consortial eResources such as the Cloud Library, RBdigital (formerly Zinio), and MyMediaMall. You’ll also see vendor offers, upcoming webinars, training resources, and tech tips.

eResource Invoices

Invoices for all consortial eResources are in the process of being sent out, so you should receive them by the end of the month. Reminder: Annual agreements for all IHLS group purchases run from July 1 to June 30.


The RBdigital App is now available in the Apple App Store, Google Play, and the Amazon App Store. Patrons using the Zinio for Libraries app will be prompted to upgrade in August. The Zinio for Libraries app will be phased out later this fall, so you’ll want to start making patrons aware of the switch. Updated handouts will be available on the SHARE website later this week.

Save-the-Date: The RBdigital Users Group will be held on Thursday, September 21 via Zoom.


Don’t forget, each library in MyMediaMall needs to return a signed copy of the Intergovermental Agreement so we can move forward with creating a governance structure. Signed agreements should be emailed to Pam Leffler.

Vendor Offers

GALE is offering an introductory webinar to the GALE Virtual Reference Library for both public and school libraries in IHLS. A Program-centric Nonfiction eBook Growth Solution will highlight the benefits of Gale’s eBook offerings and collaboration tools available to your patrons through Gale eBooks on GVRL. Learn how to increase shelf space, expand access and discovery, save costs, and empower your patrons. Register in L2 for one of the sessions listed below and stay tuned for more information!

Wednesday, August 16 @ 10:00am | Thursday, August 17 @ 2:00 pm

For SHARE members

Cloud Library information will now be featured in this box, along with other information that only applies to SHARE member libraries.

Save-the-Date: The Cloud Library User Group is scheduled for Thursday, September 28 via Zoom. 
