August 1, 2017

Home > Connect > Newsletters > August 1, 2017

A Special Note from Lesley Z

I have to start off this edition of the newsletter with a bit of happy/sad news. My little family is relocating to Greensboro, NC at the start of September, which is very exciting! However, that means my last day at IHLS will be Friday, August 25 and that is very sad. My husband, Nick was offered a full-time teaching position at a community college there and after much discussion, we’ve decided it’s time for a new adventure.

I’ve had a truly lovely experience working for IHLS in large part because of the member libraries we serve. I’m glad to have been able to visit so many of your wonderful buildings. Thank you for your professional advice and encouragement, the personal relationships you’ve offered, and for always making me feel at home. If you’ve got any great tips or contacts for us in North Carolina, feel free to share them with me. 


Don’t forget, each library in MyMediaMall needs to return a signed copy of the Intergovermental Agreement so we can move forward with creating a governance structure. Signed agreements should be emailed to Pam Leffler

Vendor Offers

GALE is offering an introductory webinar to the GALE Virtual Reference Library for both public and school libraries in IHLS. A Program-centric Nonfiction eBook Growth Solution will highlight the benefits of Gale’s eBook offerings and collaboration tools available to your patrons through Gale eBooks on GVRL. Learn how to increase shelf space, expand access and discovery, save costs, and empower your patrons. Register in L2 for one of the sessions listed below and stay tuned for more information!

Wednesday, August 16 @ 10:00am | Thursday, August 17 @ 2:00 pm

For SHARE members

Cloud Library information will now be featured in this box, along with other information that only applies to SHARE member libraries.

Shopping Carts: I’ll be out of the office from August 3 to the 11th, and again on the 18th—so I’ll be purchasing from Cloud Library Shopping Carts on Monday afternoons (rather than Fridays) this month. Please be sure to have all purchases you would like to make finalized in your carts by Mondays at noon. 

