
June 1, 2016

Home > Connect > SHARE Chat > June 1, 2016
Directors' Chat


Chris Dawdy •  Ellen Popit


Key: IHLS  Library


Chris Dawdy: Good afternoon!

Anita & Dawn Sherman PLD: Hello.

Chris Dawdy: What's happening in your necks of the woods?

Ellen Popit: We can officially welcom Christi in her new role at Glen Carbon!!!

caseyville: Welcome, Christi

Esther Curry--C.E. Brehm Memorial PLD: Congratulations Christi!

Ellen Popit: Has summer reading programming started at your libraries?

Esther Curry--C.E. Brehm Memorial PLD: We start registration today and the first program is on the 13th

Anita & Dawn Sherman PLD: We will be starting June 9th with a visit from Reptile Experience. Regular story times begin June 13

caseyville: Caseyville booming summer reading begins the 16th

Kathy @ Pinckneyville PL: We are starting on Friday with a special program Mad Science and then our regular programming will be for the next 8 Fridays, being a small library we have to do ours after hours!

Susan Edwardsville: our summer reading program kick off party is happening right now!

Ellen Popit: Kathy, are you doing your programming in the evening?

Ellen Popit: Oh, Susan---we should have made this a kick-off chat and treated ourselves to something tasty!

Susan Edwardsville: we have tasty here until 3:00-an icecream truck. We are hoping the rain holds off.

Kathy @ Pinckneyville PL: No, we close at 2 on Fridays so we are doing it from 2:00-3:30

Ellen Popit: That makes plenty of sense.

Anita & Dawn Sherman PLD: We are going to try an evening program this year for the first time. Don't know if it will work or not but worth a try.

Ellen Popit: I'm sure you all saw that there is still not a budget. As an FYI, please know that the ILA public policy committee meets on the 1st Monday of most months. The meetings are available by Vtell at Edwardsville and DuQuoin and are most informative. It's a good way to keep up on what's going on in Springfield.

Christi - Glen Carbon: Thanks for the welcomes, I just got back from discovering a new mechanical room with building supplies that I've been looking for. Our Summer Reading program started this week, although sign up started on the 16th. We're currently having a packed robotics program, put on by Sylvan Learning Center.

Ellen Popit: That's a good tip, Christi regarding robotics programs. Next year, the theme is Read by Design and I'm sure that all the robotics, maker-space and STEM activities will be part of that.

Ellen Popit: Chris and I had an interesting day last Thursday visiting three special libraries that are also SHARE members. We went to the Illinois Enviornmental Protection Agency Library, the Illinois Department of Transportation Library, and the library that is part of theSpringfield Art Association. I think it's safe to say that we both learned a lot!

Chris Dawdy: That's true!

caseyville: They make a nice addition to Share!

Ellen Popit: Chris and I might have to share that with them----they'd like to hear that!

Ellen Popit: Anything to share (no pun intended) about what's going on in your library?

caseyville: I think we are all antcipating our summer programs ahead

Susan Edwardsville: well, I just purchased 6 rain umbrellas so if people get caught in a sudden downpour, they can use them. And Gwen, our cataloger and I decided, no it won't rain today, so we are going to catalog them for check out on those days patrons come to the library unprepared for the rain!

Ellen Popit: You're going to make some patrons pretty happy by having an umbrella ready!

Susan Edwardsville: And tonight we have a demonstration program about our 3 D printer. Hope it is well attended.

Susan Colbert: We have LEGO club tomorrow, our first summer reading program (Animal Tales) on Friday and a program every Friday in June. Our Friends group just purchased 10 sewing machines and cases for our new Sewing Club that will meet once a month.

sharon heavilin: is there a lot of libraries that have 3 d printers? are they used?

Chris Dawdy: Will patrons be able to check out the sewing machines, Susan?

Susan Edwardsville: Here's a question. My board wants me to look into hiring a PR company to promote the library -I suppose in a more professional way than we do now. Does anyone use a PR company, or know of one we could look into?

Ellen Popit: Susan Colbert, looks like you're right on trend. Here's a lego article that popped up on my Facebook feed this morning: http://patch.com/new-jersey/newbrunswick/legos-new-frontier-libraries-0

Susan Colbert: At this time the sewing machines are not going to be checked out. We have 10 kids signed up for the sewing club and they're going to using them quite a bit.

Chris Dawdy: Sharon, from listening to our members, I'd guess there are only a handful that have 3D printers. No idea how often they are used, though.

Ellen Popit: Susan Colbert, are you doing the instructing or is a community person taking care of that for you?

Ellen Popit: Susan Carr, I don't know of any PR firms. However, I wonder if ILA has a committee or task force that might be able to provide some direction?

Susan Colbert: I have a staff member who is very knowledgeable on sewing. She's been sewing for over 40 years! And she's terrific with teaching both kids and adults. She's offered sewing classes here for both and I even took one and I haven't sewn for ages.

Anita & Dawn Sherman PLD: There was a grant offering for 3D printers last year. How many libraries were awarded printers through that grant? Are they as successful as you thought they would be? What about ongoing costs?

Ellen Popit: Susan Carr, I've also been in discussions where PR work was suggested as a good job (project) for a college or grad student.

Teresa (Paris): We're trying something "radical" with summer reading this year - no keeping track of how much you read. Just lots of book displays and activities.

Susan Edwardsville: We do have a communications student at SIUE who is making a "commercial" about the library, but I haven't heard from him in awhile. I will look into what ILA has about PR firms.

Ellen Popit: Teresa, it will be interesting to see people's reactions to your "radical" approach.

Vicky Bonelli: We're hosting some nutrition and wellness programs offered through the U of I Extension. They have one on home canning.

Teresa (Paris): The idea grew out of last summer when the recordkeeping just died in the middle of summer but circ stayed as high as the previous summer.

caseyville: We don't award on how much a child reads,,,,,,everyone is a winner!

Chris Dawdy: Susan Carr, some of the staff at the IHLS Edwardsville office attended a workshop on marketing for non-profit organizations a few weeks ago. Maybe they would have an idea for you. I'll ask one of them to get in touch with you.

Kay Burrous South Macon: Our Summer Reading Program kicks off with Next of Kiln on June 22; a Olympic themed ornament will be made. Our program is late starting this year because of the new schools that were not finished on time.

Ellen Popit: As another FYI, have you seen that there are two new webinars for trustees being offered by the ISL. One is "Public Libraries in Illinois" and the second is "Public Library Taxation" Here is the link to the link: https://www.cyberdriveillinois.com/departments/library/libraries/trustee...

Ellen Popit: Since we've been talking about summer reading, what hot reads have been flying off your shelves? We all have to admit that talking about what folks like to read is loads of fun!

Susan Colbert: I don't know if it's been flying off our shelves, but I just finished The Swans of Fifth Avenue and it was fascinating!

Ellen Popit: It goes on the "To Be Read" list!

Kathy @ Pinckneyville PL: Swans has been popular here too and lead to others requests for books similiar to that decade

Susan Colbert: Does anyone have an Anime club or group that meets at your library? I have met twice with the school librarian and 10 (yes, 10!) high school BOYS wanting to start an Anime club. I'm thrilled that that age group are wanting to read, but I don't know much about Anime.

Ellen Popit: Susan, you might check with the Marion PL. They used to have one and I'm not sure whether or not it is still running.

Chris Dawdy: Do they want to read, draw, or both?

Susan Colbert: Both, and also watch anime movies (have to see about the license). I have the summer to figure it out since it's not going to officially start until Sept.

Chris Dawdy: That's exciting, susan!

Susan Colbert: Now I'm trying to figure out how to draw in the junior high age group.

Ellen Popit: Susan, couldn't you do an anime jr.? I think it also has lots of appeal for that age group.

Susan Colbert: That's a good idea. I'll give it a try.

Ellen Popit: I think it's just a matter of adjusting the materials you use with them.

Ellen Popit: This coming from a person who might know collection development, but knows very little about anime!

Susan Colbert: Definitely. I'm going to be extra careful with even the high school boys. Their teacher said that they can't watch anything except G-rated movies, so I want to make sure the anime books are suitable too.

Chris Dawdy: It's now 2 o'clock, so we'll be closing this chat now. Thanks for coming to visit today!

Ellen Popit: Have a happy June!

Susan Colbert: Thank you!

Anita & Dawn Sherman PLD: Thank you!