November 18, 2015

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Circulation & Resource Sharing


Sue PearsonJoe DeVillez

Key: IHLS  Library

Sue Pearson: Good afternoon everyone!

Joe DeVillez: Good afternoon

Sue Pearson: Just a reminder that we will be having a Circulation Forum tomorrow at the Forsyth PL at 1:00. The event is listed in L2 and everyone is invited to attend.

Sue Pearson: Anyone have any topics they'd like to discuss?

April Jensen Lincoln Public Library: Has everyone seen a decline in numbers in the last month or so?

Laura: Is there any way to turn OFF the sound in Polaris? So it does not beep?

Sue Pearson: Laura - I'm not sure - let me check on that.

Mary @ Hayner: I have a non-Polaris related question: What brand door counters do you all use? Where did you purchase yours?

Laura: Ok. Will you also check to see if they can highlight any money owed in a patron's account?

Joe DeVillez: There is. It's a setting under circulation options. You can use a default beep or windows sounds

Yvonne Williams West Sangamon Public Library: We just turn off the sound on our computers and that eliminates the beep.

Laura: Joe, we do not want any sound. Is there a way to turn it off?

Sue Pearson: Traci is checking on the sound question - to see if sound can be turned off altogether.

Esther Curry--C.E. Brehm Memorial PLD: April-we haven't had any decline.

Laura: Thank you. It will help with the problem of finding items on the shelf that have not been checked in.

Sue Pearson: There is not a way to highlight money owed in a patron's account.

Gary Worden PLD: April, we had a steep drop off in circulation from August to September.

April Jensen Lincoln Public Library: Our pull list has gone down dramatically. Just wondered about others.

Jan - Breese P.L.: Our pull list has gone up

Julie Jarman: our list has also gone down since August. We used to do paging list twice a day,now we just do it once in the evenings.

Sue Pearson: Traci thinks if you click "Circulation" and "Options" and select "Use Windows Sounds" then you could go to the control panel and sounds and set the sounds to no sound. It may be easier to just mute the computer.

Laura: Thanks we will give it a try!

Julie Jarman: I wonder if it matters the size of the libraries or the order in the alphabet to determine where items are pulled from on the paging list?? does anyone know for sure how this is determined

Esther Curry--C.E. Brehm Memorial PLD: I know that a couple of months ago, Traci updated the Holds routing table and it is now doing a more "randomized" in selecting libraries to pull items.

April Jensen Lincoln Public Library: ah that woudl explain it.

Julie Jarman: Thanks Ester- I was not sure how this was determined most recently

Esther Curry--C.E. Brehm Memorial PLD: There have been several versions of how the table runs, but I think they have figured out a system that will stay in place for now. Traci has also been adding all the new libraries that have gone live on Polaris. And there are quite a few of those.

Sue Pearson: The SHARE Bibliographic Services staff has a request they'd like to share. When you perform a bib search - please remember to close the bib record when you're done viewing. When someone has a bib record opened - bib services staff can't get into the record to edit.

Julie Jarman: I really wish there was a way to highlight money owed in the patron account-- Hum.. I know it serves us no purpose to wish for things we can not have but still..

Sue Pearson: They've been having many isues with this lately. When they go into check on who has the record opened - sometime they come across a single login that has 7 or 8 bib records open at once - and this sometimes lasts all day.

Diane - Breese P.L.: We we're hoping they could do it for the expiration date, too.

Jim at Tri-Township Library: You should get a popup blocking note when amount owed is above the threshold set by your library. Granted it only pops up in the check out screen, but that seems to be the most useful time.

April Jensen Lincoln Public Library: it blocks them on edatabaes and when they check their account online as well. that has been very helpful.

Shawn- Elwood Township: I was wondering how hold requests are filled. I printed my hold list, a book owned by my library for my patron was on there. I assume it was done on the PAC. I filled the hold. I looked that patron's requests, and there was another book, that was being filled by another library, but I have that book also and was on the shelf. Why didn't the system have our library fill it??

Julie Jarman: Jim- that would be helpful- thanks for the tip

April Jensen Lincoln Public Library: on different bib records perhaps.

Jan - Breese P.L.: When a card expires, how long does it take for a card to be blocked on the pac

Esther Curry--C.E. Brehm Memorial PLD: Shawn-it is possible that the hold was placed on the same title, but a different bib record.

Sue Pearson: A block will appear immediately when a card expires.

Shawn- Elwood Township: It was the same record, both same version etc. I wasn't sure what happened.

Sue Pearson: Shawn - I would have to look at the items, the requests, the bib records etc. The software is set to choose a local item if available so something else must be going on.

Jan - Breese P.L.: We had a patron that was checking out ebooks for several months on an expired card.

Jim at Tri-Township Library: Shawn - perhaps there were multiple holds for the item that were not grouped. It is also possible that it was on both librarys request manager pending list at the same time and you both pulled the book but the other library checked it in first.

Julie Jarman: How can that be? checking out ebooks with an expired card?

Jan - Breese P.L.: I was wondering that also, but it happened.

Gary Worden PLD: I know that there have been problems with the the volume field being used incorrectly. What's the best way to check my records and eliminate any errors?

Sue Pearson: Lesley is out of the office today - she would know the ins/outs of patron's being blocked in the 3M cloud. I know 3M works with Polaris on authenticating the PIN but don't know the exact ins/outs.

Sue Pearson: Gary - that would be a question for our bibliographic services staff.

Shawn- Elwood Township: Thank you Jim, that is a good possibility.

Gary Worden PLD: Thanks.

Jan - Breese P.L.: Okay, Thanks!

Sandy West - Rend Lake College: Gary - you can find the information on proper use of the volume field in the Bibliographic Stanadrads Policy and best practices document. It's number 8 in the document

Gary Worden PLD: Thanks, Sandy.

Joe DeVillez: Since there is a lull...there is an OCLC workshop being offered on December 9th in Effingham that is on L2 if anyone is interested

Sue Pearson: There's also a circulation training next monday from 9:00-12:00 in Edwardsville. Also listed in L2.

Yvonne Williams West Sangamon Public Library: Just a quick question about the upcoming Catalog Training in January that was mentioned in our last training session. Has it been added to L2 yet?

Sue Pearson: There are several cataloging events scheduled in January.

Yvonne Williams West Sangamon Public Library: It is suppose to be January 12th from 9 - 11 am. It is on-line training.

Sue Pearson: I don't see anything currently scheduled for January 12th.

April Jensen Lincoln Public Library: with worldcat discovery migration happening. will there be more classes on that in the coming months?

Joe DeVillez: OCLC usually have an online training available each month and the training offered in Effingham on December 9th will be by an OCLC trainer about Worldcat discovery

April Jensen Lincoln Public Library: thanks. i need more training for this.

Sue Pearson: Here is the URL for the OCLC training portal.

April Jensen Lincoln Public Library: Thank you Sue. I am bookmarking that right now.

Sue Pearson: They offer training on WorldCat Discovery as well as WorldShare. Searching - Admin - lending - and borrowing training.

Sue Pearson: Well it's 2:00 so we'll be signing off. Hope to see some of you at the Circulation Forum tomorrow. Have a great day!

Yvonne Williams West Sangamon Public Library: Thank you!

Joe DeVillez: Enjoy the rest of your week everyone!

Diane - Breese P.L.: THanks!

Shawn- Elwood Township: Thank you

Julie Jarman: Thanks everyone!

Mary @ Hayner: Thanks, Sue.