September 28, 2016

Home > Connect > SHARE Chat > September 28, 2016
Cataloging, Barcoding, Serials and Record Sets


Edie Elliott •  Shelley Stone

Key: IHLS  Library

Edie Elliott: Hi, all, this SHARE Chat session will start at 1 PM. This session will be chat only--no audio or webcam. To post a chat, type your question or comment in the box at the bottom of your screen and hit Enter. You can change the size of the text you see by clicking on the dropdown menu at the top right of the Chat screen (to the left of the word Attendees), and clicking Text size. This will affect only what you see--it won't change the font size for anyone else. Thanks for attending today's chat session!

Edie Elliott: Good afternoon!

Dawn Rutschke@Sherman PLD: Good Afternoon!

Edie Elliott: Does anyone have a question or comment?

Donna C. Maguire: Is it possible to have a class on original cataloging any time soon?

Edie Elliott: Donna, we don't have a class like that at the moment, but I am having a cataloging workday on October 6 here in Edwardsville that you can bring something that needs original cataloging and we can work on it together. I have the 2-4 pm time slot open if you're interested.

Donna C. Maguire: Yes. I would like to attend the session.

Shelley Stone: Donna, there is also an OCLC class online--OCLC Connexion client module 8: Original cataloging

Edie Elliott: Donna, I'll get you registered

Don Pippin, Philo: when I am weeding out a book from my library and find that it is the last copy in Polaris, under last copy options do I delete or suppress?

Edie Elliott: Don, you can delete

Don Pippin, Philo: Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Donna C. Maguire: Thanks, Edie. And Shelley, I shall check out the OCLC class. Thanks.

Roxanna Behnke-Albion Public Library: This isn't a question but I entered the chat and there was no sign in box-Roxanna Behnke-Albion

Roxanna Behnke-Albion Public Library: never mind I popped up now

Shelley Stone: Feel free to ask any question relating to cataloging, barcoding, record sets, or serials.

Gwen Bumpers--Edwardsville Public Library: Is it required to have 655 for DVDs or Videodiscs in Polaris bib records according to bib standards?

Edie Elliott: Gwen, that is not a requirement in new records. However, you will see it in records that migrated in from the legacy systems.

Joyce @ Glen Carbon Library: It's also in new records.

Edie Elliott: It doesn't hurt anything to be there, but we're not asking people to add that field, or to delete it if it is present.

Gwen Bumpers--Edwardsville Public Library: Okay. Thanks.

Edie Elliott: Does anyone feel that we should add a 655 for type of carrier in our Polaris records? Would it be useful?

Denise Putz - Tri-Township: It would be if patrons would like to search by ... DVD or whatever.

Edie Elliott: Denise, do you think people would do a subject search for that?

Shelley Stone: It seems to me that patrons would search for a certain subject, author or title and then limit to the material type instead of searching for the term DVDs or Videodiscs

Don Pippin, Philo: We are currently a barcoding library at Philo. What is the advantage of becoming a cataloging library?

April Jensen Lincoln Public Library: I found an older DVD of ours, but the format is not DVD. How do I change the icon in Polaris?

Shelley Stone: Don, I guess that would depend on how many new items you receive that do not have bib records and whether you have a trained cataloger already.

Shelley Stone: April, does it have an 007 in it?

April Jensen Lincoln Public Library: I can't remember I am sorry.

April Jensen Lincoln Public Library: I don't think it did

Denise Putz - Tri-Township: Some people still find that easier than limiting, I am talking about patrons who learned how to do that and don't want to change.

Edie Elliott: Don, cataloging libraries have the permissions to edit bibliographic records in Polaris, and may import records from OCLC into Polaris. It might mean you could get some things out on the shelf faster if you can bring in records without having to send it to the System or wait until another library brings in a record. But you have to weigh that against the initial training that might be required. In addition, cataloging libraries must maintain a membership in OCLC, and staff who have cataloging permissions have an ongoing requirement to obtain 15 hours of cataloging-related continuing education every fiscal year, July 1-June 30.

Joyce @ Glen Carbon Library: It

Shelley Stone: April, if there is no 007 at all it will probably display as a projected media or if it is coded without the correct elements, then you could get videocassette or some other icon. If you give me the control number I can correct it.

Joyce @ Glen Carbon Library: It's only useful if it is put into records consistently.

Don Pippin, Philo: I am finding that I order non-fiction books that are not ordered by others frequently. I can wait a week or so and someone may finally enter it, but I have been several $3 bibs every week or so and I hate waiting to get the book out for my patrons.

April Jensen Lincoln Public Library: ok. I will track it down and send it to you later.

Edie Elliott: Don, do you have anyone on your staff who's had previous cataloging experience or training?

Edie Elliott: There is a chart in the Polaris Help that gives the coding that generates the various format icons. You can get to the Polaris help by clicking the icon with the yellow question mark. You can search for Type of Material codes and it will bring up the table.

April Jensen Lincoln Public Library: thanks, Edie, control number 2265395. Can I try to change it and have you check it when I am finished.

Edie Elliott: April, sure, that's fine

April Jensen Lincoln Public Library: great. best way to learn is try it.

Edie Elliott: I agree!

April Jensen Lincoln Public Library: unless it is chemistry or using knives.

Edie Elliott: Well, there is that!

Shelley Stone: :)

Don Pippin, Philo: No. I am looking at the training for me. I was a high school librarian for 20 years in Missouri and entered records in Follett Destiny on a regular basis, including some original cataloging.

Gwen Bumpers--Edwardsville Public Library: Denise has a point about searching for DVDs with the subject because if you limit by My Library cannot choose a different format.

Shelley Stone: Don, is your library an OCLC member? That would be the first step

Don Pippin, Philo: I have taken the 2 barcoding classes with Joan and they have been a tremendous help to what I am already doing.

Don Pippin, Philo: We are an OCLC member. I have been here 2 years. The first year I barely used it or looked at it. Starting in the spring I have been using it far more often, both for $3 bibs and both requesting and lending materials throughout the state and the country.

Don Pippin, Philo: The marc coding is where I need to focus next, since I have slight experience with it. I did take cataloging classes in college but that has been many years ago.

Shelley Stone: Don, if you haven't already seen it, you may want to take a look at the slightly out-of-date tutuorial located at:

Shelley Stone: I don't think it has been updated for RDA guidelines yet

Joyce @ Glen Carbon Library: Gwen, can't you choose a different format if you click on "more search options"?

Gwen Bumpers--Edwardsville Public Library: No it erases your first option.

Edie Elliott: For the group: how are patrons and staff searching when they want to limit to a certain format? I don't do much searching in the PAC. Is it difficult to limit by format?

Joyce @ Glen Carbon Library: Well that doesn't make any sense at all...

Joyce @ Glen Carbon Library: Not really giving you "more search options" is it?

Esther Curry--C.E. Brehm Memorial PLD: I think it depends on what they want. Some may search for a specific title in a specific format at any location. Some may just want to see what is available at their library.

Edie Elliott: And remember, there's a difference between the TOM (or Format,) that comes from the bib record, and the Material Type that's in the item record.

Sue Dallstream - Taylorville Public: On the staff side, some of us use the scoping tab. Others just look up the title and search for DVD.

Don Pippin, Philo: I usually search by title and then format. Not hard, but occasionally more for music cd's I will get vinyl when it wasn't clear in the original bib record. I have thought about digging out my record player to listen to them when they have come instead of the cd requested.

Edie Elliott: For the group: What do you tell patrons to do if they want to limit by format in the PAC?

Gwen Bumpers--Edwardsville Public Library: I agree Joyce but I guess some can just do a keyword search for DVD then limit to My library.

Candace Hancock - FREP: Scoping has failed me. I choose search with limit by type of material. You can choose multiple types.

Edie Elliott: One of the enhancements we've sent in to Polaris is to create a format icon for vinyl records. So far the Polaris membership hasn't voted it in

Don Pippin, Philo: I tell them to use the dropdown menu under the search box and limit by DVD.

Edie Elliott: Candace, is that on the staff side?

Candace Hancock - FREP: Correct.

Don Pippin, Philo: With the resurgence in interest in vinyl by young people, the membership may need to vote that change in.

Kelsey - Arthur Public: Good point Don.

Don Pippin, Philo: Shelley, thanks for the link about marc tagging. I have saved it and will look at it shortly.

Edie Elliott: This discussion on searching could probably go on for quite a while, but we only have a few minutes left. Any last questions or comments for today?

Shelley Stone: You're welcome. OCLCs Bibliographic Formats and Standards document is online also, but it is huge! It is very useful when you want to look at a particular field.

Don Pippin, Philo: Forgive my spelling. I have a bandaid on my finger on my right hand and I keep messing up.

Shelley Stone: I was just searching in the PAC and found that I can set several options (a particular library and material type) under "More Search Options" at the same time

Shelley Stone: However, it does give me a message that I can't also choose something in the "limit by" field.

Shelley Stone: Don, contact Joan, Edie or me for more information about being a cataloger

Edie Elliott: It's time to close the session. Thanks for all the great comments. Enjoy the rest of your day!

Don Pippin, Philo: I will. I have been talking with Joan and have started putting together a binder of what I have done and need to do as well as the handout from the classes I have taken.

Kay Burrous South Macon: Thanks.

Don Pippin, Philo: by y'all