The SHARE Executive Council has completed a review of SHARE governance policies, and has recommended the following:
Executive Council
- Language change from LLSAP to automation consortium to reduce jargon.
- Edited meeting schedules and removal of in-person requirements.
- Removal of language regarding the seat terms for the initial executive council after the merger.
- Removal of election of a secretary since that position is no longer needed.
- Language from LLSAP to automation consortium to reduce jargon.
- Annual instead of semiannual meeting.
- Approval of minutes by SHARE Executive Council.
Read the Meetings document here
Membership Types
- Removal of “designated contact person” form; changed designated representative to library director, district librarian, or school media specialist or their designee.
- Clarification that members have one vote per agency.
Read the Membership Types document here
- Minor changes to language/syntax.