SHARE needs members to vote to update our SHARE policies and procedures, to better serve our members and/or follow guidelines set by organizations such as the Illinois State Library, American Library Association, or the Library of Congress.
The proposed changes include:
For All Share Libraries
Amendments Policy
Authority Policy
Data Privacy and Protections Policy
Permissions Policy
Unmarked and Unclaimed Policy
For Cataloging Libraries
On-Order Records Policy
Revision to Graphic Novels and Manga Policies
These proposals will be discussed at the 2025 Members’ Group Meeting on March 5, 2025 and will be up for vote on March 12.
Additional information about the changes AND supporting documents are available for your review below. SHARE governance requires that the majority of member libraries submit a vote on the proposed changes. Each member library can only vote once. If your library has multiple locations, please choose one authorized person to vote on behalf of your agency or school district.
- Amendments Policy
Background: There were minor changes in wording, as seen in purple below.
Governance documents may be amended by a majority vote of the SHARE Full Members. Proposed amendments will be distributed in writing to all members at least two weeks in advance of the Members’ Group meeting at which time the proposed amendment will be discussed. Voting will be conducted electronically and occur one week after the meeting.
- Authority Policy
Background: There was a minor change to the reporting structure between SHARE and the IHLS Board of Trustees, due to an internal change in IHLS processes. The changes are in purple below.
SHARE is a service of IHLS and IHLS is its fiscal agent. The database and its hardware are owned by IHLS and it is IHLS that enters into financial obligations and contracts on behalf of the Members’ Group.
Illinois Heartland Library System shall actively engage the assistance of SHARE and its Executive Council in the development of the automation consortium’s policies, plans, assessments, and fees.
A vote of the members, conducted according to procedures approved by the SHARE Executive Council, will be held when obligating the proprietary funds of the SHARE membership.
The IHLS Board will be provided a report regarding the status of the SHARE consortium. The report is a reflection of the IHLS annual plan of service and may include, but is not limited to, the management, governance, and promotion of the automation consortium, as well as bibliographic services provided to members.
- Data Privacy and Protection Policy
Background: Due to the recent implementation of direct text messaging to patrons, there were some required changes to the SHARE policy, in order to comply with federal regulations, specifically regarding data collection, cookies, and how a patron can access their personal information. The changes are in purple below.
This policy describes how Sharing Heartland’s Available Resources Equally (SHARE) collects, uses, and discloses patron information.
SHARE collects patron data primarily for identity verification and communication. That data may include:
- First and Last Name
- Address
- Contact Preferences (SMS Text Alerts, Email, and Phone Notifications)
- Phone Number
- Photograph Driver’s License or Identification Number
- Student Identification Number
- Associations
- Item Checkout and Holds History
- Date of Birth
SHARE requires public and academic libraries to collect address, birthdate, and driver’s license or identification number to validate identity, but the decision of what additional data to collect or what is an acceptable form of proof of residency is left wholly to the local library administration and policies. We do not collect social security numbers.
In addition, our integrated library system (ILS) also tracks data of items that are currently checked out, items that have fines or fees, and in some cases a reading history. The reading history feature is optional, as a patron convenience, but due to the implications of patron privacy, it will only be available if it has been enabled first by the local library, and then activated by the patron in their online account or by patron request. It is not automatic or a system-wide feature.
Patron data, including any details of reading history or items checked out, is confidential. Confidentiality of library materials is a “core value of librarianship” (American Library Association). SHARE is governed by Illinois law, including the (75 ILCS 70/) Library Records Confidentiality Act. This act states that library registration and circulation records are protected as confidential by law. No person may obtain these records without court order or as required by law.
SHARE and your local library may use patron statistical data for reporting purposes, or to inform library policy, such as collection development and programming. SHARE and your local library may also use statistical data in advocacy and marketing efforts. No personal data is used in these statistical reports.
SHARE also employs the use of cookies to understand how patrons use the library catalog and improve the catalog design. This data is collected using cookies. You can opt out of this tracking by disabling cookies in your browser settings.
SHARE does not sell patron data. There are trusted third-party library vendors that do have limited access through authentication protocols that allow patrons to access additional library-supported services, like e-books or other electronic resources.
Patron information is stored as long as you have an active account with a SHARE member library. An active account is defined by the member library, which maintains policies and procedures that determine when accounts are deleted. Data in SHARE is the property of the patron’s home library and conforms to all applicable federal and state laws.
Patrons have the right to request their information be updated or deleted by contacting their local library. Patrons also have the right to opt out of some electronic communications.
SHARE takes every precaution for the data we maintain, using industry-standard physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards. We use a layered approach to provide multiple levels of protection, including firewall protection, encryption, computer registration, and strict authentication via password protection with varying degrees of member library staff access. Member library staff are also governed by Illinois state law: “No person shall publish or make any information contained in such records available to the public,” (Library Records Confidentiality Act [75 ILCS 70]). Each SHARE staff person, member library, and member library staff are expected to understand and comply with Illinois law and take reasonable precautions to protect database access and library records.
Children’s Privacy
The Illinois Student Online Personal Protection Act (SOPPA) is intended to protect the privacy and security of student data when collected by companies operating websites, online services, or online/mobile applications primarily used for K-12 school purposes.
SHARE does not primarily serve K-12 school members; however, we support the philosophy and intent of the law. Children may have an account through their school or public library. Minors have the same right to privacy under the Library Records Confidentiality Act.
If you have any questions or comments regarding our privacy practices, security procedures, or this policy, please contact us at
- Permissions Policy
Background: This amendment is intended to provide additional guidance about database permissions, in order to clarify that permissions should not be shared with the intention of circumventing training requirements or abusing privileges. This will help SHARE staff identify training needs, support database security, and resolve disputes, in the event database access is abused. The proposed amendment is in purple below.
Due to privacy concerns, Polaris permissions are intended for member library staff only. We do understand that some libraries rely on volunteers or student workers, and may be issued a login, pending SHARE approval, with limited permissions.
Library board of trustee members will not be issued a login unless they are a regular volunteer. This will be reviewed by SHARE staff on a case-by-case basis.
Individual logins are tied to permissions based on individual training, and like any other login and password, should not be shared. Member library workers should not use another’s login with the intention of circumventing permission requirements. Failure to follow this policy may result in loss of permissions in Polaris. In the event of continued violations, the SHARE Director may take further action, including sending a warning letter to the Director and to the appropriate Board Representatives, Superintendent, Agency, or Corporation administrator, and suspending interlibrary loan privileges to the member library in the most serious of circumstances. Interlibrary loan permissions will be restored only when it is determined by the SHARE Director or his or her representative that the member library will remain in compliance. The member library may do so by signing a formal compliance agreement to follow all SHARE Policies and Procedures in the future.
- Unmarked and Unclaimed Items Policy (NEW)
Background: This is a new policy clearly outlining the requirements and necessary steps to send items to SHARE for cataloging. Additionally, it outlines the steps that SHARE staff will take for items received without property markings to identify the owning library and what will occur if these items remain unclaimed after six months.
Items Sent to SHARE Cataloging
Items must be property stamped and sent to the library’s IHLS assigned hub using the transit slip, addressed to the library’s assigned hub unless otherwise instructed by SHARE staff:
SHARE Cataloging – ZED
SHARE Cataloging – ZCH
SHARE Cataloging – ZCA
When sending items to SHARE Cataloging, please use removable tape to secure the transit slips to help prevent damage to your items.
For Items that come in additional packaging, such as kits, objects included in Library of Things collections, special collector’s editions, etc., original packaging should be included when the item is sent to SHARE Cataloging.
Items Sent Without Property Stamps
Items sent to SHARE Cataloging without property stamps will not be cataloged until the owning library is identified. SHARE Cataloging staff will email the following Listservs about the unmarked item:
IHLS Exchange
IHLS Directors
SHARE Cataloging/Cat. Training
Information about the unclaimed item (including a picture) will be added to the SHARE Cataloging Unclaimed Items webpage.
Claimed items will be put back into the cataloging queue, and the owning library charged for full cataloging.
If items remain unclaimed for six months, the item will be made available to member libraries at no charge.
- On-Order Records Policy
Background: This revised policy removed and added language to required fields to help facilitate searching and matching. Additionally, the revised policy encourages the merging of on-order records with full-level records, as well as provides guidance on the repercussions of repeatedly violating this policy.
Revised policy removed “rental edition” and “not rental” edition from MARC Tag 250 section. Added the 538 field to help differentiate DVDs and Blu-rays for better matching ability. Added sections about Merging On-Order Records and repercussions for violating the On-Order Record Policy.
On-order records are intended for patron/staff information only and to allow holds to be placed before items are received. They are not to be used for circulation of materials. The use of on-order bibliographic and item records is optional.
Creation of on-order records
Barcoding libraries not using the Acquisitions module may request on-order bibliographic records be created by Bibliographic Services staff.
- Before requesting a record be created, search the database for an existing on-order record.
- If an existing record is not found, complete the form on the SHARE website to request an on-order record be created.
Cataloging libraries not using the Acquisitions module that want to enter on-order records will create a short bibliographic record using one of the on-order bibliographic record templates created by SHARE Bibliographic Services staff.
- If a record is not already available in the database after an initial search, do not import OCLC records to use as on-order records—use only a brief bibliographic record. This will allow on-order records to be more easily identified.
- Select the bibliographic on-order record template for the appropriate Type of Material. This will allow the correct format icon to be generated in the PAC.
For libraries using the Acquisitions module, a brief record will be generated when the purchase order is created if a matching record is not already available in the database after an initial search.
- Edit records as needed to include all required information (see Requirements for on-order records below).
Requirements for on-order records
All on-order bibliographic records must contain the following information as appropriate. This will help to clearly distinguish on-order records from other records and to more clearly identify the resource being ordered:
- Applies both to order records created through the Acquisitions module and to those created through an on-order template.
- Add information as needed to make identification as clear as possible to patrons and other staff.
- Some information is provided in the on-order template. If not, it must be added manually.
008 (Dates Fixed Field)
Publication date
This facilitates searching
$a 9781448310746
ISBN as appropriate
1 _ $a 093624869948
UPC number as appropriate
4 2 $a 15979367
Publisher number as appropriate
_ _ $a ON ORDER
1_ $a[Last name, first name]
When applicable
$h [Appropriate GMD]
When applicable
$a Abridged
Assign as applicable to your item
$a Unabridged
$a Large print
$a DVD
$a Blu-ray
$a Combo pack
$a 3D
$a Widescreen
$a Fullscreen
_ 1 $b Harper Alley, $c 2023.
Publisher and publication date
_ _ $a 1 sound disc
Number of discs, as appropriate
_ _ $a [DVD]
System details for differentiating in Aspen
_ _ $a [Blu-ray]
_ _ $a Coming attractions.
Item records
Any library may attach an item record to an on-order record.
- Circulation Status must be In-Process or On-order only – no other status may be used.
- On-order item records must be marked as Holdable with no limits even if the library intends to make the item holdable only by their patrons when it is received. This allows holds to be placed at the bib level by any patron.
- Do not enter a barcode in any item record attached to an on-order bibliographic record. This prevents item-specific holds from being placed.
- Edit item records as needed to reflect desired Material Type.
Merging On-Order Records
Cataloging libraries are asked to merge on-order records with their corresponding full-level records when possible or to report the potential merge to SHARE Bibliographic Services.
Violation of On-Order Record Policy
Three or more repeated violations of the on-order policy within a six-month time period will result in the violator’s barcoding permissions being removed. The violator will be required to retake the Barcoding Certification class, either in person, via Zoom, or through the SHARE Moodle Training Site. Additionally, the Director of the library associated with the barcoder will be notified of the removal of barcoding permissions and the required retraining. Upon successful completion of the Barcoding Certification course, barcoding permissions will be reassigned.
If, after completion of the Barcoding Certification course, the on-order policy is again violated more than three times in a six-month period, barcoding permissions will be removed indefinitely.
- Manga Policy (NEW)
Background: Separated the current Graphic Novels policy into two distinct policies (Graphic Novels and Manga) to better illustrate key differences between the two formats when cataloging.
Key differences highlighted between the formats include translations vs. adaptations, titles vs. series statements, and differing form and genre terms.
Bibliographic Record
Do not use serial records or set records for manga—use a monograph record for the individual volume.
Subject Headings
Use the free-floating form subdivision ‡v Comic books, strips, etc. with all topical headings.
650 _ 0 ‡aRunaway teenagers‡vComic books, strips, etc.
650 _ 0 ‡aVoyages and travels‡vComic books, strips, etc.
Delete duplicate subject headings that are the same heading with a different subdivision.
Form and Genre Headings
Assign genre headings from the LCGFT as appropriate. Use the following form headings for manga materials:
655 _ 7 ‡aGraphic novels.‡2lcgft
655 _ 7 ‡aComics (Graphic works)‡2lcgft
655 _ 7 ‡aManga.‡2lcgft
For Manga that has been adapted into English, enter the work under the main author/artist. Make an added entry for the adaptor.
100 1_ ‡aToriyama, Akira,‡d1955-2024 245 10 ‡aDragon Ball.‡nVol. 1 /‡cstory and art by Akira Toriyama ; [English adaptation, Gerard Jones ; translation, Mari Morimoto ; touch-up art & lettering, Wayne Truman]. 700 1_ ‡aJones, Gerard,‡d1957-‡eadapter.
Titles vs. Series Statements
If the title and numbering is listed in the 245 ‡n/‡p, do not repeat the same information in the 490/8XX fields. Only include a series statement if it differs from the title.
245 10 ‡aPenguin & house.‡nVol. 1 /‡cAkiho Ieda ; translation, Sawa Matsueda Savage ; lettering, Evan Hayden.
246 30 ‡aPenguin & house.‡nVolume1
[No need for a 490/8XX]
Include series statements if they differ from the title of the work. Search the authority files for the series to determine the appropriate wording, and include the 8XX.
245 10 ‡aSnow White with the red hair.‡n17 /‡cstory and art by Sorata Akiduki ; translation, Caleb Cook ; touch-up art & lettering, Brandon Bovia.
250 __ ‡aShojo beat edition. 490 1 ‡aShojo beat 830 0 ‡aShojo beat manga