Did you notice that we had over 12,000 items checked out from the 3M Cloud Library last month? Remember to use your shopping cart and purchase the items that your patrons want, because your input helps diversify and grow our shared collection. Not sure what to spend your allotted member fees on? Look in the Community Carts in CAT for suggestions.
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It’s that time of year again! Many member libraries are working on their IPLARs and as a result, looking for eBook and eAudiobook statistics. Members of Southern Illinois Libraries on the Go, the Lewis & Clark Digital Consortium, Library on the Go, and MyMediaMall can find those statistics by logging into the Overdrive Marketplace and clicking on the Reports tab. Unsure which report you need? Check out the brief tutorials available in the Overdrive Learning Center and you’ll be an expert in no time. |
A big thank you to all of our participating Zinio libraries for making the renewal process so easy! We’re currently examining the subscription list to see what titles we may be able to drop due to low circulation and which titles we may be able to add. We’ll send all of our participating libraries the full list of magazines in our shared collection in early August. Have extra money in your budget and want to add a subscription to our shared collection? Email Lesley for the list of available titles.
New Vendor Offers
Universal Class™ is an online educational service providing a diverse offering of intellectually stimulating courses for people interested in the lifelong pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. Recorded Books is offering this service at 1⁄2 off until the end of 2015 to IHLS member libraries. Want to learn more? Check out the course list or view a short video, here. Interested in pricing? Let Lesley know your annual circ and she’ll get you in touch with our rep.
Children visiting public libraries can now access the ABCmouse Early Learning Academy for FREE! To set up a free account for your library or to learn more, visit www.abcmouse.com/libraries.
Wowbrary isn’t new, but we are close to renewal time for the libraries that participate. Renewal time means it is also a great time to START participating if you haven’t already! Wowbrary offers members of IHLS a 25% discount off of list price. For more information, visit the Wowbrary website or contact our rep: Jeff Levinsky via email by August 16, 2015.
SHARE Circulation Day
It’s not too late to sign up for SHARE Circulation Day on July 24 at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Effingham! Along with a book repair session and a Polaris Q&A, you’ll learn some tips and tricks for marketing your eResources.
Contact Us:
Lesley Zavediuk, SHARE Circulation & Resource Sharing Specialist
Chris Dawdy, SHARE Director