November 4, 2015

Home > Connect > Newsletters > November 4, 2015

3M Cloud Library participants should have received a renewal email notice earlier this week. Once you fill out the renewal form linked in that email, we’ll be sending you an official agreement to sign. Your member fee will be invoiced in late January. Remember, we’ll only be renewing your agreement for 6 months to move our annual fee billing period to the fiscal year. In the springtime, we’ll send you another agreement for a full calendar year and you’ll have the option to opt out of renewing if necessary. Questions? Contact Lesley and she’ll be happy to answer them!

Libraries participating in Zinio can now purchase The Great Courses digital audio at a discounted rate through December 24, 2015 for OneClickDigital. The Great Courses are uniquely crafted for lifelong learners, with engaging, immersive learning experiences for your patrons. Want more information? Contact our Recorded Books Account Manager, Bill Schwarting.


We had a great time talking to various companies at the Library State of Mind conference to find new eResource deals for all of you! In the coming months we’ll be sending out information about some of the conversations we’ve been having regarding: Biblioboard, Sprint’s Mobile Hotspot Program, Social Flow, and more. Have you seen a great eResource that might be perfect for SHARE libraries? Let Lesley know and she’ll do some research.

Lesley Zavediuk, SHARE Circulation & Resource Sharing Specialist
Chris Dawdy, SHARE Director
