February 27, 2016

Home > Connect > Newsletters > February 27, 2016

Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to the Hotspot Lending Survey. The SHARE eResource Committee reviewed the results during their meeting on Monday, February 22. It was determined that it is not advisable at this time to pursue a group purchase of wifi hotspots for members to lend to their patrons. We will keep researching this possibility and hope to revisit it in the future. You can download the final hotspot lending survey report, here.

In order to make the renewal process more efficient for MyMediaMall members this year, we will be sending out renewal information starting in March. Libraries that participate in MyMediaMall will receive a renewal form in the next couple of weeks detailing their estimated annual fee for FY2017. Participants will need to signal on the form whether or not they will be renewing and return it to Lesley by the required date. Invoicing for MyMediaMall renewal will occur in July, 2016. Questions or comments? Let Lesley Zavediuk know.

Two new libraries are joining our Zinio consortium starting March 1. Welcome to Hoopeston Public Library and Elizabeth Titus Memorial Library. Don’t forget, public libraries can request a quote and sign up to participate in the Zinio shared collection at any time. For more information, contact Lesley or visit the RbDigital Zinio webpage.

Open eBooks, a program offering access to free eBooks for in-need children as part of the White House ConnectED Intiative launched recently. Visit openebooks.net to view Michelle Obama’s introduction to the program and to learn more about how your library can provide eBook access to low-income families in your community. You can register your library to participate and view all of the requirements through the First Book Marketplace.

Do you enjoy reading specific information regarding eResources in this newsletter? Do you wish you could get the same kind of information on all things Polaris and Circulation? Be sure to sign up for the SHARE Circulation listserv on the IHLS website. Don’t forget, Circulation staff members are always welcome to attend a SHARE Circulation Forum. These forums are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month near an IHLS hub location. We learn a lot and have a great time chatting about all things Circ. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 22nd at the IHLS-Champaign Office.

Lesley Zavediuk, SHARE Circulation & Resource Sharing Specialist
Chris Dawdy, SHARE Director
