April 20, 2016

Home > Connect > Newsletters > April 20, 2016

It’s IPLAR time again! To make things just a bit easier, the collection statistics for the both the Cloud Library and MyMediaMall as of March 31, 2016 are provided for you below. Don’t forget to review the new FY2016 instructions detailing how to find the stats you need in Polaris. If you need help finding stats at any time for either of these platforms, shoot Lesley Zavediuk an email and she’ll help you get them.

  MyMediaMall Stats Cloud Library Stats
eBooks 36,457 13,477
eAudiobooks 18,993 1,048
Video 137 -

Don’t forget, participants of the Cloud Library shared collection will notice a big increase in the amount of titles available very soon! Thanks to libraries in the Southern Illinois Libraries on the Go Overdrive consortium who are moving their content into the Cloud Library, our collection will nearly double in size during the second week of May. Your patrons will see no interruption in service, only a better collection with more titles to check out!

It’s also that time of year when we send out the various eResource consortium renewal forms. By now, MyMediaMall and Cloud Library participants should have received their forms. For those of you that participate in Zinio or purchase databases through Gale, renewals will be sent out towards the end of May.

Lesley Zavediuk, SHARE Circulation & Resource Sharing Specialist
Chris Dawdy, SHARE Director
