January 12, 2017

Home > Connect > Newsletters > January 12, 2017

In case you missed it, the Cloud Library now allows patrons to place holds on presale items. You’ll notice we’ve added a new shelf in the line up on the Featured area in the app titled ‘Coming Soon!’ This should help us to more effectively monitor holds queues and work to purchase enough copies to keep patrons’ wait times down. When shopping in CAT, you’ll be able to see how many copies we’ve ordered and how many holds might be on those presale items.

Recorded Books will be hosting a Zinio user group meeting for libraries in IHLS on Thursday, February 2nd at the Forsyth Public Library. This is your chance to learn more about Zinio and OneClickDigital and provide feedback and input directly to the vendor. Both school and public library staff members are invited. Libraries not yet participating in one of our Zinio groups but interested in learning more are also welcome to attend. Recorded Books has graciously offered to provide lunch, so please register in L2 by Wednesday, January 25th!  

New Year – New Agreements:
Although the new year has just begun, it’s already time to start planning for eResource renewals!  All of our consortial eResource agreements now run on the system’s fiscal year, so we’ll be processing renewals starting in the Spring.  Below is a timeline of when you might expect to see a renewal email from me regarding each eResource.

  • Cloud Library Renewals – late March/Early April
  • MyMediaMall Renewals – late March/Early April
  • Zinio for School Libraries – April
  • Zinio for Public Libraries – May
  • Gale Databases – late May/early June
  • EBSCO Databases – June (these are invoiced and processed by EBSCO now, so you’ll be hearing directly from the vendor).

Vendor Offers:
Beanstack will be providing two more webinars for SHARE libraries in February. Beanstack provides a mobile-first solution for local families to participate in your library's programs, including summer reading, early literacy initiatives like 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten, and book clubs for teens and adults. Patrons gain tools to discover books, log their reading, and earn incentives. The service is unique in its added focus on readers' advisory, including sending readers personalized recommendations of books at your library. Click on the links below to register!

Important Dates:
