
Request a custom URL shortcut to your OPAC page

Home > Support > Documentation > Request a custom URL shortcut to your OPAC page

While all libraries will receive a default catalog URL for their patrons (abcd.illshareit.com), it is possible for your library to use its own domain name if you wish.  There are two tasks that have to happen for that to work.  First, you must point your DNS entry to our server, and then we must match up your DNS entry with your public OPAC profile.

Regardless of which method you use, these are just shortcuts to the search.illinoisheartland.org domain.  Using a URL shortcut just gives your patrons an easier URL to remember.

Follow the steps below to create a custom URL shortcut to your OPAC:

  1. Identify the URL you want to use and create a CNAME/alias record in your DNS manager to opacsearch.illinoisheartland.org
  1. search.mylibrary.org    CNAME   opacsearch.illinoisheartland.org
    (DO NOT USE WWW for your side, or your catalog will be your only website)
  1. Fill out the form below to notify IHLS staff of the URL you selected and your library information.  We will use this information to create the link to your specific profile.
Custom OPAC URL Form
This will inform IHLS staff of the URL you are pointing to opacsearch.illinoisheartland.org