Upgrade to 5.2

Home > System Status > Upgrade to 5.2

Update at 7:15am, Friday morning:

Hello everyone,

This is an update on the progress of the upgrade to Polaris 5.2.  Things are going well, but the re-index is running just a bit longer than expected.  There are no issues, but we may not be able to open the system back up at 8am.  I don't have an exact time yet, but I'm hoping for 9am at this point.

Feel free to check the Polaris start page at http://start.illinoisheartland.org.  If you don’t see your normal icons to connect to Polaris, then maintenance is still running.  Once the icons appear you are free to log into Polaris like normal. They won’t refresh on the screen automatically.  You’ll need to click “Sign out” in the top right corner and then sign in again.  Once every 10 minutes is fine. 

We will send out an email once we are complete or have another update on time.

Thanks for your patience.  

Troy Brown 
IT Director
Illinois Heartland Library System



Polaris is currently down for maintenance until April 14th at 8:00AM

Polaris Scheduled Maintenance April 13th - 14th