Member Comment for Revised Unmarked and Unclaimed Items Policy

Home > Articles > Member Comment for Revised Unmarked and Unclaimed Items Policy

The SHARE Bibliographic and Cataloging Standards Committee has revised the Unmarked and Unclaimed Items Policy. SHARE members are encouraged to comment on this revised policy, which is written below. Please comment below by Dec. 1, 2024 for your comment to be considered by the SHARE Executive Council. 

Unmarked and Unclaimed Items Policy

Items Sent to SHARE Cataloging

Items must be property stamped and sent to the library’s IHLS assigned hub using the transit slip, addressed to the library’s assigned hub unless otherwise instructed by SHARE staff:

SHARE Cataloging – ZED

SHARE Cataloging – ZCH

SHARE Cataloging – ZCA


When sending items to SHARE Cataloging, please use removable tape to secure the transit slips to help prevent damage to your items.

 For Items that come in additional packaging, such as kits, objects included in Library of Things collections, special collector’s editions, etc., original packaging should be included when the item is sent to SHARE Cataloging.

Items Sent Without Property Stamps

Items sent to SHARE Cataloging without property stamps will not be cataloged until the owning library is identified. SHARE Cataloging staff will email the following Listservs about the unmarked item:

            IHLS Exchange

            IHLS Directors

            SHARE Cataloging/Cat. Training

Information about the unclaimed item (including a picture) will be added to the SHARE Cataloging Unclaimed Items webpage.

Claimed items will be put back into the cataloging queue, and the owning library charged for full cataloging.


If Items remain unclaimed for 6 months, the item will be made available to member libraries at no charge.


I don't understand why a library would send something without property stamps so I concur with these revisions.