January 6, 2016

Home > Connect > Newsletters > January 6, 2016

The Cataloging Maintenance Center (CMC) is a bibliographic service provided by IHLS and funded by a grant from the Illinois State Library and the Secretary of State’s Office. CMC staff, who are located at the IHLS offices in Champaign and Edwardsville, provide cataloging for local history and genealogy items sent to them by any library in any of the three library systems (IHLS, RAILS, and Chicago Public). Because the service is grant funded, there is no charge for the cataloging the CMC staff provide. Keep in mind, though, that if they receive an item with a request for cataloging that is not local history or genealogical in nature, they will pass the item on to the SHARE cataloging staff, and we do charge for those services. The reverse is also true, however. If SHARE cataloging staff receive a local history or genealogy item, they will pass it on to CMC staff.

And don’t forget to use an ILDS label when shipping an item to CMC!

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for the cards, calls, messages, thoughts and prayers during my son and I's time of mourning the loss of my husband, Donald.  They are greatly appreciated and it's good to know that we have so many people thinking of us during this time.


Wednesday, January 6, 10 to 12 - SHARE Serials for Polaris, Lake Land College

Wednesday, January 6, 1 to 2 - IHLS Directors’ Chat

Thursday, January 7, 9 to 5 - Cataloging in Connexion Workday, IHLS Edwardsville

Thursday, January 7, 2:30 to 4:30 - SHARE Executive Council meeting, via SKYPE or at the IHLS Edwardsville office

Tuesday, January 12, 9 to 11 - SHARE Catalogers Training Session, https://webjunctionillinois.adobeconnect.com/share

Wednesday, January 13, 1 to 2 - SHARE Chat with the IT staff

Friday, January 15, 10 to 2 - SHARE Bibliographic and Cataloging Standards Committee meeting, on v-tel

Monday, January 18 - Martin Luther King’s birthday - IHLS closed

Tuesday, January 19, 9:30 to 12:30 - SHARE Serials for Polaris, IHLS Edwardsville

Wednesday, January 20, 10 to 4 - Cataloging in Connexion Workday, Mascoutah Public Library

Wednesday, January 20, 1 to 2 - SHARE Chat about Circulation and Resource Sharing

Thursday, January 21, 9 to 12 - Polaris Basic Circulation, IHLS Edwardsville

Thursday, January 21, 10 to 12 - SHARE Policy/Fee Committee Meeting, Effingham Public Library

Wednesday, January 27, 1 to 2 - SHARE Chat about Cataloging, Barcoding, Serials & Record Sets

Saturday, January 23, 9 to 1 - SWAYS Performers Showcase, Fairview Heights Public Library

Tuesday, January 26, 9:30 to 3 - Cataloging in Connexion Workday—Marion Carnegie Library


Be sure to sign up for events of interest to you on L2!

