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July 5, 2018

Welcome to our newest member!
Wayne City Kissner Public Library


The SHARE Executive Council elections have closed. Thank you to all member libraries that voted! Please join SHARE in welcoming:

August 30, 2017

SHARE Director

As you all know, I’ve decided it’s time to (mostly) retire (again), and Friday, September 1 will be my last day of full-time employment at Illinois Heartland Library System.

First, I want to thank all of you for the kind words, cards, and emails you’ve sent my way.  It has truly been a pleasure working with all of you as we’ve built the largest—and dare I say BEST?--library automation consortium in North America! 

Second, I thought you all might like to know where we stand with filling the SHARE Director position.   

June 28, 2017

An update on SHARE committee work

Executive Council--After much badgering, the voting survey for the SHARE Executive Council has been closed, with 177 votes cast.  The unofficial results are as follows:

June 12, 2017

The question of Common Loan Rules

This question has been raised many times over the five years that SHARE has been in existence, and, up to this point, it hasn’t been quite time to answer the question or to make a decision about common loan rules for SHARE’s 486 libraries.  Now that we’re past the toddler stage and have finished kindergarten, as an organization, we have spent much of the last year refining and strengthening the policies and procedures that were created in the early years of our development. 

May 18, 2017

FY2017 SHARE Fees

In these crazy economic times, the SHARE Finance/Policy Committee thought it was very significant when Adrienne Elam, IHLS’ Chief Financial Officer, reported that 98% of the SHARE fees were paid on time this year.  They wanted to say thank you to all of the SHARE members for making that happen, since it’s what keeps us going as an organization, for the benefit of everyone’s patrons.  So . . . THANK YOU