Dates to take note of—
1/24/17 |
1:00 |
SHARE Circulation Forum |
1/24/17 |
5:00 |
IHLS Board meeting |
v-tel |
1/26/17 |
10:00 |
SHARE Finance/Policy Committee meeting |
Zoom |
1/27/17 |
9:30 |
Free Form Free for All |
Lincoln Public Library District |
1/30/17 |
10:00 |
My Media Mall Governance Committee meeting |
v-tel |
1/31/17 |
12:30 |
Medium Pubs Meeting |
Lincoln Public Library District |
2/1/17 |
1:00 |
IHLS Member Library Directors’ Chat |
2/2/17 |
9:00 |
Barcoding I—Searching & Matching |
IHLS Edwardsville |
2/2/17 |
1:00 |
Barcoding II—Item Records |
IHLS Edwardsville |
2/2/17 |
11:00 |
Zinio Users Group Meeting |
Forsyth Public Library |
2/7/17 |
9:00 |
Beanstack Webinar for SHARE Libraries |
Web conference |
2/8/17 |
9:00 |
Book Cataloging |
IHLS Edwardsville |
2/8/17 |
9:30 |
SWAYS Meeting |
Columbia Public Library |
2/9/17 |
9:30 |
Introduction to Authority Records |
IHLS Champaign |
2/9/17 |
9:30 |
Introduction to Authority Records |
Marion Carnegie Library |
2/9/17 |
10:00 |
SHARE Circulation & Resource Sharing Committee meeting |
2/9/17 |
1:30 |
Library of Congress Subject Headings |
Marion Carnegie Library |
2/10/17 |
9:30 |
LibraryOnTheGo Consortium meeting |
Forsyth Public Library |
2/10/17 |
10:00 |
Small Public Libraries Get-Together |
Tri-City Public Library District |
2/10/17 |
1:00 |
Beanstack Webinar for SHARE Libraries |
Web conference |
2/14/17 |
9:00 |
SHARE Catalogers Training Session |
2/15/17 |
9:00 |
Introduction to Authority Records |
IHLS Edwardsville |
2/15/17 |
9:30 |
Introduction to Authority Records |
Olney Public Library |
2/15/17 |
1:30 |
Library of Congress Subject Headings |
Olney Public Library |
2/16/17 |
9:30 |
Book Cataloging |
Forsyth Public Library |
2/20/17 |
President’s Day—IHLS closed |
2/22/17 |
9:00 |
Library of Congress Subject Headings |
IHLS Edwardsville |
2/23/17 |
1:00 |
Metro-East Public Library Management meeting |
Belleville Public Library |
2/27/17 |
3:00 |
eResource Committee Meeting |
2/28/17 |
1:00 |
SHARE Circulation Forum |
Zoom |
2/28/17 |
5:00 |
IHLS Board meeting |
3/1 & 3/2/17 |
9:00 |
RDA Classes |
IHLS Edwardsville |
3/15 & 3/16/17 |
9:00 |
RDA Classes |
IHLS Carbondale |
3/29 & 3/30/17 |
9:00 |
RDA Classes |
Decatur Public Library |
4/18/17 |
10:00 |
IHLS Member Day |
Keller Convention Center, Effingham |