Solus App for SHARE

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The SHARE E-Resources Committee, SHARE Finance & Policy Committee, and SHARE Executive Council have all recommended moving forward with Solus, to build a mobile app for SHARE.  The app will allow patrons to access the online cataloging, library account, and e-resources directly from the app.

Why do we need a mobile app? Please see the Solus App for SHARE Fact Sheet for background, why we need an app, and FAQs.

Will my fees increase? The SHARE Finance & Policy Committee has proposed using our Reserve Fund for three years. At the end of that time period, the committee will re-evaluate SHARE fees in total, but they also propose a cap on any additional cost for the app to less than $100 per library agency. Why? SHARE committees believe that this is what our patrons both need and expect.

Please review the fact sheet, demo and/or video before the member vote on May 12, 2021.

Solus App for SHARE Fact Sheet

OPAC Access Data

Mobile Browser Versus Mobile App

Brief Overview Videos of the Solus App

Brief Overview Video about Click & Collect (Curbside Service)

Brief Overview Video about Patron Self-Service

Solus App for SHARE Demo February 24, 2021


Hi, I like this a lot and agree with the basic template for the whole system.

An app that patrons can use to access the OPAC and their own records (due dates, items out, renewals, etc.) would be a g reat addition to the services we offer; it is so much simpler to access infromation via an app that navigating through the browser to a website. From the demonstration, it looks like Solus would be a good choice.


From the demonstration, I love this app. I am not only looking forward to the system app, but I hope we can afford to make it our own with templates. 

The app really appears to be user friendly.I think SOLUS will be a great addition for SHARE members. I hope the additional cost of a template is within the financial constraits of small public libraries. 

Love it, this is where the system needs to go. Looks easy to use.

 It is more important now than every before to bring on the branded app to SHARE.  Patrons are ready to move forward with their library expereinces and this is a great method to stay competitive with the likes of Barnes and Nobel and Amazon.  Yes, these are our competitors, patron what to know they can easily obtain their materials.  With Amazon doing everything they can to delivery items within a day or two, having an app to "shop" the library's material is a great thing.  I also see this as the step to contactless sharing of library items.  Patrons can feel free to browse and check-out without staff interactions.  Don't get me wrong this can hinder staff, because it can be use to eliminate positions.  But, reality says many of us in SHARE have reduced staff already to the minimum and the app is a great tool to aid support the those 1 to 2 staff libraries.

My only comment is "Why didn't we do this sooner?" :)

This will be a great addition! Thanks to all for their hard work in bringing us this product!

I agree that an app is a great update.  We would probably stay with the basic template.  Without a security system to prevent books from "walking off" by patrons who incorrectly use (or deliberately not use) the app to check out, we aren't ready for the additional upgrades.