
Local bibliographic records

Home > Policies and Procedures > Local bibliographic records

Local bibliographic records may be created in the following circumstances:

Acquisition records

  • Created by libraries using the Acquisition module

On-order records

  • Created according to SHARE Bibliographic and Cataloging Standards

Equipment records

  • Including, but not limited to, items such as cameras, projectors, pre-loaded e-readers, etc.
  • Cataloging libraries may create local records, or may request records be created by SHARE Bibliographic Services staff by submitting a help desk ticket
    • Use the generic Equipment bibliographic record template and complete as appropriate
    • If an appropriate record is available in OCLC, import the OCLC record
  • Barcoding libraries may request records be created by SHARE Bibliographic Services staff by submitting a help desk ticket

Records for library-assembled resources

  • Examples: a library packages a children’s book and a puppet together and circulates them as a unit, or a library assembles a Thanksgiving-themed kit composed of a book, DVD, doll, and puzzle related to the holiday
  • Resources purchased from a vendor already assembled must be cataloged in OCLC
  • Cataloging libraries may create local records, or may request records be created by SHARE Bibliographic Services staff by submitting a help desk ticket. Cataloging fees will apply
  • Barcoding libraries may request records be created by SHARE Bibliographic Services staff by submitting a help desk ticket. Cataloging fees will apply

Records for special cataloging situations (i.e., short-term loan items)

  • Contact SHARE Bibliographic Services staff for assistance
Options for record creation:
  • If the resource will not be loaned outside of SHARE, an original local bibliographic record may be created in Polaris
  • If the resource will be loaned outside of SHARE, an original record must be created in OCLC and brought in to the Polaris database


  • Be sure to use the appropriate Type of Material (TOM) in the local record
  • For bibliographic record purposes, a kit is defined in AACR2 Appendix D as "an item containing two or more categories of material no one of which is identifiable as the predominant constituent of the item" (italics added)
  • If the resource has a predominant component, use that as the basis of the bibliographic record and the TOM, with other items listed as accompanying material
    • Example: a book and a puppet packaged together may be cataloged as a book with an accompanying puppet, or as a puppet with an accompanying book, depending on which item the library feels is the predominant component
    • Libraries may use a Material Type of Kit in an item record, or use Kit in a call number if desired, even if the resource is not cataloged as a kit in the bibliographic record


Rev. 9-2016