Circulation & Interlibrary Loan

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Illinois Library System Act

The Illinois Heartland Library System's Circulation & Interlibrary Loan policy is based upon the Illinois Library System Act. Section 3030 of the Act states:

  1. Ethics and Responsibilities of ILLINET Member Libraries
  2. Each library shall offer and promote the availability of interlibrary loan service to its patrons.
  1. Rights and Responsibilities of the Requesting Library
  2. The requesting library shall honor the supplying library's conditions of loan, including observation of dates and duration of loans, recall notices, fees (if applicable), In-library Use Only and other special handling provisions. The requesting library shall convey these conditions to library patrons.
  1. Rights and Responsibilities of the Supplying Library
  2. Libraries are strongly encouraged to implement generous interlibrary loan lending policies with due consideration for the needs of their primary clientele.

23 Ill. Adm. Code 3030.Exh.A (2015)

Loan Periods

Libraries may choose from these loan periods:

0 days

7 days

60 days

2 hours

1 day

14 days*

180 days

3 hours

2 days

21 days**

365 days***

4 hours

3 days

28 days

999 days***

8 hours

4 days

42 days

1 hour

14 hours

*Common Loan Guideline for DVDs, CDs, Video Games

**Common Loan Guideline for Books, Audiobooks, Kits, Periodicals

***Used by Special Libraries


Due Dates

Due dates are set by the owning library and should not be changed or overridden for items borrowed from other libraries.



Fines are set by the patron’s library. Unless the patron is changing jurisdictions, the decision to waive a fine for overdue items belongs to the home library. Any fine collection by reciprocal lending libraries may be kept by the Transacting Library. Libraries may choose to set a specific threshold and return fines above that limit to the loaning library. They may deduct postage and handling fees.


Patron Blocks

  • Any block established via the patron record will not be overridden by a Transacting Library.
  • The Transacting Library will deny the patron the privilege of borrowing items until blocks are cleared with the home library.
  • Patrons will be allowed to clear their record by paying amounts owed at the Transacting Library.
    • Any fines collection by reciprocal lending libraries should be kept by the Transacting Library.
    • Any amount collected for lost items, including fines (directly related to lost item being paid for) and processing fees should be collected and sent to the lending library.
  • Renewal and address checks must be done at home SHARE library.

Failure to follow these policies may result in loss of interlibrary loan privileges, as well as financial responsibility for unreturned materials.


Circulating Serials

If libraries are going to barcode and circulate serials, they will be required to use the Serials module in Polaris.


Local Holds

Use of limiting items to local holds only is up to individual library discretion. All libraries are encouraged to be generous in sharing their collections.

Failure to follow these policies may result in loss of interlibrary loan privileges, as well as financial responsibility for unreturned materials.

Adopted 05/11/15

Amended 12/08/2022