
$3 Bib (also $3 Bibliographic Record)

This is no longer a preferred term. See also: Express Cataloging.


Affiliate Member

An IHLS member library that does not have an ILS but has limited access to the SHARE database in order to request materials. There is no fee to this member type. Affiliate Member status is approved pending a review of the Executive Council. No voting privileges are granted. No Affiliate Member may sit on the SHARE Executive Council.


Assigned Library

Identifies where an item is located when not in use and is entered in an item record. See also: Owning Library



Attaching an item record to a bibliographic record found in the SHARE database.


Barcoding A

This is no longer a preferred term. See also: Prepay Program.


Barcoding B

This is no longer a preferred term. See also: Pay-As-You-Go Program.


Barcoding Library

Library staff have the training and certification to add an item record to the matched bibliographic record. Library staff do not perform copy or original cataloging. Barcoders must agree to comply with SHARE Bibliographic Services policies, which include a barcoding refresher training every two years. This requirement applies to each barcoder.


Bibliographic Record (also Bib Record)

A cataloging record that contains data like author, title, and subject headings to help identify and retrieve a specific resource. Bibliographic records can have multiple item records attached. See also: MARC Record.


Borrowing Library

This is no longer a preferred term. See also: Requesting Library. 


Call Number

The call number represents what the book is about and acts like the book's address on the library's shelves or stacks. It generally consists of a combination of letters and numbers assigned by the classification system utilized by the library. Call numbers are specific to each library and customized to their location. A call number is typically identified on the spine label and indicates a shelf location. 


Cataloging Library

Library staff have the training and certification to perform copy cataloging. If qualified, staff may also do original cataloging, upgrade less than full-level OCLC master records, and make other permanent changes to OCLC master records via the OCLC Expert Community functionality. Catalogers may edit bibliographic records in the local database in accordance with SHARE bibliographic and cataloging standards and best practices.

Catalogers must agree to comply with SHARE Bibliographic Services policies, which include attending 15 hours of continuing education related to cataloging each fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). The 15 hour requirement applies to each cataloger.

For information on how the cataloging continuing education requirement may be fulfilled, visit the FAQ page Continuing Education Requirements for SHARE Catalogers


Collection Code

A code in the system administration that refers to a group of related items. The grouping could be based on intended audience or type of material. This code is assigned in the item record and may be different at different locations.



An OCLC commercial software to manage digital collections. This is the software platform used by Illinois Digital Archives (IDA).


Copy Cataloging

Includes searching for bibliographic records in OCLC when a match is not found in the SHARE database, editing the OCLC bibliographic record, and importing the edited record into the SHARE database.


Executive Council

12 elected representatives (SHARE Full Members only) of the SHARE Members' Group.


Express Cataloging (formerly known as $3 Bib)

Cataloging option via SHARE that allows libraries to obtain cataloging at a reduced rate without sending the physical item to a cataloging hub. The library is responsible for identifying a matching bibliographic record in the OCLC WorldCat database and providing the required information to SHARE Bibliographic Services staff to import the record into Polaris. Express Cataloging is only applicable to books and audiobooks at this time.


Fine Code

A code in the system administration that is used in combination with patron codes to determine fine amounts.



An amount charged for lost or damaged items, which are designated by the Owning Library. This may include a processing fee.



An OCLC commercial interface to facilitate interlibrary loan lending.


Full-level OCLC Record

The most complete MARC record created from an inspection of the material. The record conforms to OCLC full-level input standards, which are based on the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, National Level Full and Minimal Requirements.


Full Member

A library system member that pays fees for the SHARE ILS. SHARE Full Members are granted voting privileges, with one vote per member library agency or school district.


Home Library

For public libraries, the library jurisdiction in which a patron lives is the patron's Home Library. If the patron lives in an unserved area, then the library where they pay their non-resident fee is the Home Library (which may or may not be a SHARE library). For school, academic, and special libraries, the Home Library is the library that registers the patron.



Illinois Heartland Library System and its offices.


ILS (Integrated Library System)

A library software that integrates with a library database, which is used for access, acquisitions, cataloging, circulation, and discovery. The software also has two interface components: one that is utilized by staff and another that is utilized by patrons. SHARE utilizes Polaris with two staff interface options, the original staff client interface or Leap, the web-based interface.


Interlibrary Loan

The process by which a library requests material from, or supplies material to, another library. Whether initiated by library staff or patron, the purpose of interlibrary loan is to obtain, upon request of a library patron, material not available in the patron's local library. Circulation of materials between a central library and its branches or within a school district is not considered interlibrary loan ILLINET Interlibrary Loan Code, 2015



An item shown as "in-transit" is one returning to the Owning Library.


Item Record

A cataloging record that describes an individual copy of an item owned by a library, which includes details like barcode, assigned library, and call number. This is used in conjunction with a bibliographic record to help identify a specific item.


Item Template

Predetermined template for item cataloging.



The newer, web-based staff interface to the Polaris ILS.


Lending Library

This is no longer a preferred term. See also: Supplying Library.


Loan Code

A code in the system administration that specifies the amount of time an item can be checked out, also known as the loan period of an item.


Local Library System Automation Project (LLSAP)

An integrated library system open to membership by full library system members of all types, developed by or receiving financial or in-kind support from a library system. ILLINET Interlibrary Loan Code, 2015


Local Holds

A circulation condition set by the Owning Library that limits hold requests to patrons from that library (or library and branches) only.


MARC Record

MAchine-Readable Cataloging Record. This means that a computer can read and interpret data in the cataloging record. See also: Bibliographic Record.


Material Type

Identifies an item by its physical manifestation such as book, DVD, or electronic resource. This generates a material type icon in the OPAC and is cataloged in the bibliographic record. In addition to material types, each individual library may also further segment their items with a collection code.


Members' Group

The SHARE Members' Group consists of Affiliate Members, Transitional Members, and Full Members. SHARE Affiliate Members and Transitional Members may attend meetings but cannot vote. SHARE Full Members have voting privileges and can participate in the business of the Members' Group.


Non-Resident Patron

A library patron who does not live in a library taxing area.


Non-SHARE Patron

No longer a preffered term. See also: Reciprocal Borrower.



A cooperative organization that maintains WorldCat, the largest OPAC in the world, with records from member libraries worldwide. They also provide members with additional services, like FirstSearch, an interlibrary loan facilitation tool.


OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog)

An online catalog of library materials, with information to help patrons access those materials.


Original Cataloging

Creation of a new bibliographic record when a matching record does not exist in OCLC.


Owning Library

Identifies the library that owns an item and is entered in an item record.



A library user.


Patron Code

A code in the system administration that defines available services, loan periods, fines, and specific categories of patrons. The patron code is identified on the patron registration record and can be used in a variety of reports.


Pay-As-You-Go Program

A library that pays a per item fee for each item that is sent to a SHARE hub for cataloging. This program is for both original cataloging and copy catalgoing through the Express Cataloging program. Libraries are billed quarterly for any cataloging submitted to SHARE.


Prepay Program

The Prepay Program is a flat, annual cataloging fee, with a tiered cost, based on the total number of items sent in.  


Processing Fee

An amount charged for items to be replaced when lost or damaged, which are designated by the owning library. The decision to charge or waive a processing fee belongs to the owning library.


Reciprocal Borrower

A patron with a public library card in good standing from any Illinois library system member library. The reciprocal borrower may check out physical materials at a location other than their home library. Reciprocal borrowers from a Standalone Library must request interlibrary loan service through their Home Library, though reciprocal borrowers from another SHARE member library may place interlibrary loan holds and choose alternative pickup locations. Please note that most traditional library materials are loaned, but there may be some circulation restrictions on specialized items. See also: Reciprocal Borrowing.


Reciprocal Borrowing

Reciprocal borrowing means the right of a person who holds a valid, in-good-standing library registration card from a full member public library to borrow materials on site from other library system full member public libraries under the same conditions that the library provides those materials to its patrons, subject to reasonable restrictions approved by the library's governing board in accordance with requirements of the library system's resource sharing plan and this Part.  Illinois Administrative Code, [23 IL ADC 3030.110].


Requesting Library

The library that initiates an interlibrary loan request on behalf of a patron or permits direct borrowing. This is the preferred term. ILLINET Interlibrary Loan Code, 2015.



An item such as, but not limited to, a periodical or magazine which is published at a scheduled time as an installment at fixed intervals.


SHARE (Sharing Heartland's Available Resources Equally)

SHARE is the automation program of IHLS, comprised of multi-type libraries sharing a database, library automation software, and other technologies.


Supplying Library

The library that fills an interlibrary loan request by either loaning the item or supplying a copy of the item. This is the preferred term via the ILLINET Interlibrary Loan Code, 2015 See also: Owning Library.


Shelf Location

Identifies where an item is located in a specific library.


Staff Client

The original staff interface to the Polaris ILS.


Standalone Library

IHLS libraries that are not members of SHARE. Preferred term instead of non-SHARE libraries.


Statistical Class

Identifies a sub-population.



An item shown as "transferred" is headed to fulfill a hold.


Transacting Library

The library where a circulation transaction takes place.


Transitional Member

A library system member that intends to become a Full Member of SHARE within a three-year period. Transitional members pay fees that allow limited access in order to request materials found in the SHARE database, as well as for startup and implementation into the SHARE ILS. Transitional membership is intended for member libraries that would like to participate in the SHARE automation system but require time to make the change. No voting privileges are granted. No SHARE Transitional Member may sit on the SHARE Executive Council. This membership status is issued with the goals of transitioning a library into SHARE Full Member status or providing temporary respite for SHARE Full Member Libraries unable to maintain SHARE Full Member status.


WorldCat is a global catalog of library materials, hosted by OCLC