Damaged Material

Home > Policies and Procedures > Damaged Material

If an item has minor damage that does not keep that item from circulating, then the owning library should do at least one of the following:

  • Mark the item with the date and nature of the damage.
  • Make a note in the item record with the date and the nature of the damage.
  • Use a check in note to document the date and the nature of the damage.

If a library's material is returned to a different location with damage and cannot be circulated, it should be sent back to the supplying library with a note explaining the situation and information about the patron who returned it.

  • Get complete information (in writing) on the last patron and return this information and the item to the supplying library.
  • Make a written note of the nature of the damage (i.e., pages torn, cover damaged, disc or case broken) on the written documentation of the last patron.
  • The supplying library should then contact the last patron’s home library, so that they can contact their patron.

If a library's material is returned to a different location with damage, it should be sent back to the  supplying library with a note explaining the situation and information about the patron who returned it. The supplying library shall decide whether or not to charge the patron for damages. The patron should not contact the supplying library directly.

Adopted 05/11/2015

Amended 12/14/2023


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