Members' Group Meetings
At the membership meeting on May 5, the following changes were presented to the membership for vote:
- Solus Mobile App for SHARE
- Multitype Borrowing Policy
- FY2022 Election for Medium Library Representative (Danielle Cornelius, Coordinator of Technical Services, Marion Carnegie Library)
As well as proposals for cataloging libraries:
- Recording publication and copyright dates in Polaris bibliographic records for audio recordings
- Recording publication and copyright dates in Polaris bibliographic records for videorecordings
The vote on these proposals is now open, and will be open for at least one week. It is very important to vote because a quorum of members are required for any policies or changes to take effect. Thank you for your participation in the SHARE member vote and election!
For the full membership meeting:
The SHARE Membership Meeting is an opportunity to share news regarding the consortium, including the various committee updates. It is also an opportunity to propose different policies or governance changes, giving members information to make thoughtful decisions regarding any proposed changes or enhancements. Voting will begin one week following the meeting.
This meeting will take place on Wednesday, December 9 at 2:30 p.m. via Zoom, and will be recorded.
View the recording of our meeting here.
The SHARE semi-annual meeting will be held on January 11, 2017, at 2 pm, via Zoom webinar, for the purpose of reviewing the current state of the consortium, to review all proposed policies, and the proposed FY2018 fee structure. Following the meeting, electronic voting for approval of the proposed policies and fee structure will be open from January 11 through January 20, 2017. Only the designated library representative--usually the director--from each full SHARE member may vote. Affiliate and Transitional members are not eligible to vote.
Regarding the electronic ballot, each voting representative will be asked to identify their library, so that SHARE staff can monitor who to contact if we are not able to meet the required quorum (50 percent plus one of the full SHARE membership) within a reasonable period of time.
The link to the meeting recording can be found here -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJvgRwMchqU
Fee quote for termination of membership.pdf
Polaris Fine Rate Options Draft 10-20-16.pdf
Policy on Merging Patrons 4 12 16.pdf
SHARE Fee Schedule for FY18 draft.pdf
Termination of membership.pdf
Executive Council Members.pdf
Proposed FY18 Academic Library Member fees.pdf
Proposed FY18 Public Library Member fees.pdf
Proposed FY18 Special Library Member fees.pdf
Meeting Recording
DRAFT-Membership-SHARE Bibliographic and Cataloging Best Practices 04-20-15.doc
DRAFT-Membership-SHARE Circulation & Resource Sharing Policy-04-20-15.pdf
DRAFT-Membership-SHARE Fee Schedule for FY16 & FY17-04-20-15.pdf
DRAFT-Membership-OCLC Number Option for Cataloging in SHARE-04-20-15.pdf
DRAFT-Membership-Semi Annual meeting financial presentation-04-20-15.pdf
DRAFT-Membership-Problem Resolution for Bibliographical Services-02-19-14.pdf
DRAFT-Membership-Proposed FY15-FY16 Fee Formula-02-19-14.pdf
DRAFT-Membership-SHARE Governance Document-02-19-14.pdf
DRAFT-Membership-Cataloging Best Practices 02-19-14.pdf